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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Oh, ok. Interesting. Oops, quoted the wrong person. Oh well, thanks guys.
  2. *blinks at 27:00 JST* How many hours are in a Japanese day?
  3. Nope, can't say I've ever used IRC. Ah well, no big loss.
  4. Subtitling should be an olympic sport. They could measure scores based on speed, accuracy, and artistry.
  5. But you must understand, Chibi-Klan =/= (does not equal) Loli-Klan She can't help it! We know her TRUE form.
  6. Az could at least open the episode 19 thread from the anticipation.
  7. Isn't IRC old and dead?
  8. No no no no no, she is Chibi-Klan!!!
  9. It should be Klan and Michel but...... it's not
  10. How is Kresphy getting this information by the way?
  11. Hmmmm or Sheryl ends up BEING Ranka's new manager?
  12. I'm American and I won't do that!!!
  13. Where's my grumpy smiley when I need it? Oh well, this will do.
  14. DON'T THINK THAT WAY. It's not healthy. I'm pretty certain that will not happen, but I've been wrong before.
  15. Yes, but he could kiss, hug, and stuff with Klan without people looking at him funny.
  16. Then there would be no problem!!!
  17. I Sheryl now. I have accepted her as cute and sexy.
  18. That's a good question. I'd honestly have to think about it if I saw it and think about the context. Because Klan IS older than Michel, there isn't a problem. But because she is physically younger when Chibi-Klan, it would be perceived by other characters as wrong I'm sure. BUT YOU ALL KNOW BETTER SO DON'T MAKE A BIG DEAL ABOUT IT!
  19. So, is this discussion about episode 18 or..... ???
  20. Would you guys like some cake..... I mean salad to go with that whine?
  21. What... is..... THAT?! It's like the worst recording ever.
  22. WOOOOO Thankee!!!! Very nicely done Morpheus.
  23. *eyes Morpheus keenly* >_>
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