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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. What's an APE version. You people and your acronyms. Why, back in my day....!!!
  2. Eh?? I don't even think Spock was born yet. I'd like to see a pic though.
  3. So yes, I loved this episode, regardless of the choppiness that I had to endure. The subs were great and the story is really progressing. I agree that there is a turning point here.
  4. Ok, I feel better now. My system is nothing like that.
  5. You guys sure do go through a lot just to watch an episode. This is why AVI is superior. It's all together in one file, no need to be using other programs and doing stuff to the files. Why make it difficult?
  6. Well good, at least I'm not the only one having problems. These people who have never had issues spend tons of money on nice systems whereas some of us only have Athlon 2100+ systems and aren't quite that rich. Understand we're not all computer geeks here.
  7. *sigh* I've done that Loso, trust me. Some computers just aren't fast enough to process the file container. I won't argue the point anymore, I just prefer AVI files ok? And thanks Xeros, I'll give it a try.
  8. Oi!! Klan's panties are mine!!! Err.... >.> Ok, anyways thanks for the instructions DR. Now what if they're .ass files instead?
  9. Ok, what I meant was... I know it's a container, but fansubbers coming out with only MKV files is very inconvenient for some of us. While they may think it's faster and easier, it's not helping some of us because of the problems you just mentioned. AVI's ALWAYS work and they should stick with them IMO. I have yet to successfully merge AVI and .sub files but I'll give it a try sometime again.
  10. Ummm, I HAVE Media Player Classic and it's still choppy. Plus the slower the system, the worse it is, no matter what the player or the codec is. That's my point. We don't all have top of the line computes like some of you. There's no reason to even use this MKV format when AVI and MP4 works perfectly fine.
  11. *grooooooooooooan* Still waiting on ep. 19 sub that I can PLAY and WATCH I'm telling you, these MKV files are not going to win in the file format war.
  12. Ok, for the last couple of days, I have had Lion in my head and it WON'T GO AWAY!!!! Has anyone else had this problem?
  13. No way, her breasts will save her.
  14. I just checked Veoh and everything for 19 is RAW, no subs.
  15. You guys are seriously discussing this??? GOOD LORD LET IT GO.
  16. Righto Ok, Togo, I have no idea.
  17. So who is Agent ONE and why did he simply appear out of nowhere?
  18. Lots of Klan pics posted on Danbooru, but most (or all) of them are adult in nature.
  19. Pink-haried, motherly Zentran Pixie
  20. That is a nice picture, I love the hat.
  21. Lion is definitely growing on me, especially the animation of the opening. It's really engaging.
  22. You.... have absolutely NO proof that that's Ai-kun. First off, he was perfectly small and tiny like he has been in the beginning of the episode. He wouldn't grow that much in that amount of time. Secondly, it could be someone in costume. I don't believe without proof!!!
  23. Wow!!! Quite cute
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