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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. OH NOES!!! Armageddon *IS* upon us!
  2. Wow, no responses to my long post? Wow, I'm not sure whether to be happy about that or scared.
  3. Maybe Nanase will end up like Ryomou from Ikkitousen, wearing a nice eyepatch. *GASP* I'm speculating!!!! O_O
  4. Wow, thank you!!!!!!
  5. Ermm.... Nana-chan is injured? Aren't you upset about that? Is sad, yes?
  6. No no, the scene with her looking down, eyes closed. Before yours, sorry I should have been more specific ^^
  7. Whispo, could I please have a gif of Klan coming up the elevator near the beginning that loops like it's constant? I'd really appreciate it. It only has to be a few seconds. Thanks!
  8. This is probably the longest post I've ever made.
  9. Wahhhhh! That last one is pure I bet her and Klan would get along nicely.
  10. *sigh* I suppose I'll need to. Whenever I use the term STFU at any other place, people know I'm playing around, especially with the smiley. But I digress, yes this episode looks great, I still have yet to watch it.
  11. Apparently some people don't know what humor is. I'll just stop posting period. Are you happy now?
  12. Thanks for putting THAT song in my head
  13. LOL Ok, that made me laugh at work. Good one. Oh, and all this talk about there not being enough Klan rage in this episode is making me angry Enough to bring out Bitey-Klan
  14. I will not be watching Gundam and will leave the board if Macross dies. GUNDAM IS NOT MACROSS OR VISE-VERSA
  15. What's the topic again? Oh yea... I'll be watching it when I get home.
  16. It would have made no sense if it had been the SDF-1!!
  17. Yes, well something should be "freed" in that pic.
  18. Hehe, I hadn't heard from you in awhile so I thought you *HAD* stopped watching
  19. I notice people get upset about things when an episode comes out before subs, and then I watch it and there's really nothing wrong. I think people overreact to the pickiest things that aren't a big deal. We're fans, be a good fan and STOP WHINING.
  20. DOH!!! *hunts* I have this vague suspicion that someone has voted negative each time. Trolls or Togo, not sure which.
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