Whispo, could I please have a gif of Klan coming up the elevator near the beginning that loops like it's constant? I'd really appreciate it. It only has to be a few seconds. Thanks!
*sigh* I suppose I'll need to. Whenever I use the term STFU at any other place, people know I'm playing around, especially with the smiley. But I digress, yes this episode looks great, I still have yet to watch it.
LOL Ok, that made me laugh at work. Good one.
Oh, and all this talk about there not being enough Klan rage in this episode is making me angry
Enough to bring out Bitey-Klan
I notice people get upset about things when an episode comes out before subs, and then I watch it and there's really nothing wrong. I think people overreact to the pickiest things that aren't a big deal. We're fans, be a good fan and STOP WHINING.