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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Wow, again such serious back and forth on a fan-site. I don't think I'll ever be a real fan just because of this kind of stuff.
  2. You're both funny because I had no problem with it what-so-ever
  3. I think Klan needs to simply step on him after what's been going on recently
  4. Hmmm... ok, well I have... AMD Athlon 2100+ (1.7GHz) 1GB DDR400 (2x512MB) 160GB IDE HDD(7200 rpm) Windows XP + CCCP codec I just installed the CCCP codec and haven't had a chance to try it yet but I'll try it shortly. Thanks
  5. German, I love your sig but you'll want to remove it before the mods say something. No pics in sigs.
  6. I understand that people WANT to have the best quality, even though I don't know why they HAVE to. But functionality is more important that quality. If it's ultra high quality but not viewable, then it doesn't matter WHAT the quality is. I don't want to spend hours on end trying to tweak my PC to watch an episode of something when if it had been released in a more regular format, I wouldn't have had any trouble. That's all I'm saying, I have nothing against the fansubbers and love the job they are doing. I'm just saying there are those of us out here who cannot enjoy your works!!
  7. Please forgive my rambling. I was overly stressed
  8. I tried, complete and utter failure as it looks weird and doesn't line up with what's going on. I give up on MKVs. If a group can't release an easy AVI like many others do, then I won't watch what they put out.
  9. So I've downloaded KMPlayer and the file is playing better (ABOUT TIME) but there are no subs what-so-ever no matter what I choose from the Subtitle menu. Could this get any more difficult?
  10. Wow, GG, thanks for that AWFUL MKV file once again. I can't even watch it because of the terrible lag and freezing that happened almost every few minutes. If you're going to sub something DO IT IN A FILE FORMAT THAT EVERYONE CAN WATCH OR DON'T DO IT AT ALL!! This is ridiculous.
  11. I don't get the joke... IT'S NOT FAIR!!!
  12. LOL I am Michel, of Borg?
  13. Ok, I'll stop going off-topic. And I agree here, I don't know where the Ranka hate is coming from. Yes, she's young, and can be annoying at times, but I still love her. She's not my favorite character but I have nothing against her. She's cute, spunky, innocent, and confused. She's done nothing wrong and has started to understand what she needs to do.
  14. *refuses to look or watch Evangelion EVER AND FOREVER* And yes, we're still buds.
  15. No no, no Basara. BASARA IS GONE!!! NO MORE!!! ARGH!!! See, I'm joking here, being playful, not serious. But I still don't like Basara
  16. Oh, I think you misunderstand me. Yes, a bad ending WOULD turn me off to the whole series PROBABLY, not definitely. But what I'm saying here is that I SERIOUSLY DOUBT that this series will end badly with what I've seen. I'm continuously impressed. Oh and GUBABA!!!! We were getting along so well!! And here you go and dis me. :( :( The marriage of Klan and Nanase has ended ;_;
  17. Wow, negativity coming from you?? SHOCK!! Seriously, I thought you loved this series as much as I did. I mean you DO, but you seem to be frightened by what could happen. Honestly, after seeing this last episode, Kawamori continues to surprise me with awesome episodes. I am positive that this series will go out with a positive bang.
  18. VA, your avatar is hilarious! I laugh everytime I see it. Where did you get it?
  19. I'm glad to see others enjoying this series and Macross in general. I've loved it since I first watched Robotech (GASP) but loved it even more when I saw the original Macross in all its glory.
  20. Free post? Yes? FOR KLAN!!!!
  21. Ranka did what she needed to do, no question about it. She's going to SOLVE THE VAJRA PROBLEM. It makes perfect sense.
  22. Wow, you'd make a terrible Alex Trabek.
  23. Ok, I'm going to assume that some of you are rating these episodes on a TOTALLY DIFFERENT scale than I am. I haven't found one bad episode in my book but I suppose that's my optimistic nature.
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