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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Why do you all keep mentioning this Asuka cosplayer? Please explain.
  2. Good luck, man. I've had similar problems. I've tried a few things but to no avail. I'd recommend just waiting for the AVI's if you can.
  3. WOOOO!!! Thankee! I love tha Max/Miriya art but.......... what's with Misa's eyes?????
  4. ZOMG I AM SO FOR THIS!!!!! Otherwise, I want a continuance of SDF Macross. I want to see what happened with Hikaru, Misa, etc. I mean what REALLY HAPPENED.
  5. Can someone please upload them somewhere else so I can see please? kthx
  6. 64k??? That's pretty bad quality and I'm sure it has sound effects and dialogue in it. No thanks, I'll wait for the real release.
  7. Can't see the pics, red x's
  8. Yes, but see speculation is a lot of the problem. It's what causes the arguements as well.
  9. Is it good quality, the whole song, and without talk and sound effects? Didn't think so, but thanks. I prefer an actual release of the song.
  10. Bleah, I could care less about either.
  11. As much as I'd like for Michel to come back, each passing episode seems to lessen that chance.
  12. Hehe, well if that's what you call a sno-cone machine then yes!
  13. I love how some of you, at the slightest showing of skin, freak out at Sheryl. This is anime, what the heck are you expecting? I honestly wish she'd show MORE!
  14. *GASP* A new mod enters the fray!!!!
  15. Zee Gogglez!!! They do nothink!!!!
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