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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Yea, I paused it a few times myself to see. I thought there was a person inside of that thing at first but I'm not sure. Reminants of Grace maybe?
  2. That is... VERY awesome!!
  3. I say Michel, Raramia, and President Glass die. OH WAIT!!!
  4. I REALLY hope you find something in life to be happy about someday.
  6. O.M.F.G.!!!!!!! O.M.F.G!!!!!!!! Ok, that was just............. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, it was fast paced but........ WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Macross Quarter Battle Frontier Macross Galaxy Grace Alien Thingee GOOD GOD!!!!!!!! It was just so beautiful!!!! AND I'VE ONLY SEEN THE RAW!!!!!!!
  7. Blind? I'm hardly blind, sir. I just know how to enjoy things unlike some of you.
  8. You should not do a review then. Some of us "positive" folk should.
  9. WTF??!!!! I thought she had bigger boobs than that!!!
  10. Can we start a band called Dicky B. and the Vajra Clones?
  11. I'll bring Misa back when she shows up in the MacF Movie
  12. Ummm, some of us aren't OBSESSED like you guys and haven't seen it yet
  13. Are we all happier with ourselves now and full of self-esteem from this gloating?
  14. I was right to pick on all of you about who would die, etc. etc. Yes, Michel and Raramia did, but no other major characters, NOT OZMA
  15. Some of us could do with a NON-HD RAW thank you.
  16. Same here. And I'd argue with Togo on all of his points but he'll never change his mind.
  17. And they're all from this board too, probably. DAMNED OTAKUUUUUUU!!!!!
  18. Isn't IRC dead yet?
  19. Why do I not hear any mention of Mikimoto? You guys act like he doesn't exist. Without him, we wouldn't have had the characters for the original Macross.
  20. You, who said over 10 episodes ago, that you were done with Frontier? Wow, what a change.
  21. OH!!!! Gah, how did I miss that >_<
  22. It would be funnier if I understood it.
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