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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. I've watched the first four episodes!!! I have the whole thing, don't worry I'll watch it all at some point.
  2. Wow!!!! Nice listings!!!!
  3. Nevermind, carry on
  4. ; It's ok, every piece of fan art with her name on it is spelled Klein Klan or Klan Klein. WTF!!!!!!!
  5. Ok, I'm just trying to wrap my head around this as it just seems a bit strange. I wouldn't expect people to come after me if I performed a song on YouTube *shrug* Not trying to argue the point, just curious.
  6. That.... makes no sense. In America, if you show off a talent, people are usually impressed. WTF??? And no that sounds like stupidity 101
  7. They really need to stop with the masks, it's sorta dumb. You're talented! Show your face
  8. She had 17 kids and lived happily ever?
  9. I have no idea who that is >_>
  10. ZOMG that's awesome!!!
  11. I love how all you guys use these words like "can't, won't, don't". Things change you know
  12. Wow, that's hot!! I have a thing for women in skirts.
  13. Great, now I need to rent Roman Holiday
  14. Or in bed, that's always good.
  15. WOOOOO!!! Thankee for the Hikaru/Misa art!!!! Cute!!!
  16. NYAHAHAHA That's cute
  18. ermm... I wouldn't pay $99 for one and the colors seem off for some reason. It's a great idea but I'm not that desperate to get one.
  19. *random bounce in new thread*
  20. <rant> Gundam stinks </rant>
  21. Just random Macross F items that apparently got posted for sale on the official homepage from what I can tell.
  22. Nope, colors are all wrong!!! Good job man
  23. Has anyone posted this link yet? I swear I've looked around!!! http://www.macrossf.com/information/others.html#others57
  24. That bad hmm? Oh wait, now I remember someone mentioning that.
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