This right here: "Seeing some store shelf space occupied by Gundams feature more Macross would be wonderful to behold." This would be amazing and isn't asking much. Yes Gundam is popular but there's a hunger for Macross out here that isn't getting fulfilled.
Hmmm, I suppose I see what you mean. It just stinks that there's so much potential from all Macross universes for merch and hardly anyone other than those in Japan can get to it.
I'm not expecting them to line shelves at Walmart, but the demand for Macross merchandise far exceeds their supply. That's my point. Can they not do something about that?
Or how about a button that plays his most popular phrase? "Ore no Uta o Kike!!!" You'd have to wear it out for an accurate portrayal to match how often it's said in the series. 😆
Regardless whether you like him or not, DC has been right almost every time on everything. But no, he hasn't said anything on the Macross/Disney stuff.