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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Who is this "Shawn" person and what is he mumbling about?? 😁 /totally not sarcasm but maybe is.
  2. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    Itano circus best circus.
  3. Maybe I'll have enough saved up by then. >_>
  4. Just found this at my local hobby store here. Let's hope I don't bork it up. 😄
  5. Yeah. It was between this and the other adult Klan where she's standing up with her helmet. I like the face on this one better and the armor.
  6. There's this one bridge bunny in the 2nd Delta movie that looks eerily like Misa but obviously younger and has a gem on her forehead. No idea who she is but it has to be a call back. 😁
  7. I, uhh..... hmmmmm. So it's Misa, but.... she's mini. YOU SEE?!! (Yes, I know it's not really her but dammit, I'm convinced it might be her daughter!)
  8. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    Unfortunately I only have 1 out right now and it's much bigger than the HMRs. But honestly I'd say the HMRs are anywhere between 5-7 inches tall in battroid mode. Closer to 7 for most I think.
  9. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    I agree. Arcadia is a nice step up but for my budget, I couldn't pull the trigger. These are nice enough for me to display despite the bit of fiddliness (which isn't an issue since I don't play with mine). Also, Captain, no smoking on the bridge!
  10. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    Current collection. VF-4 Lightning coming next.
  11. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    I was in your situation not too long ago (no Valkyries) and went the HMR route. No regrets. Highly recommend.
  12. Some of us who are as old as dirt, and grew up with anime before subtitles for them even existed, learned to figure out what was going on in the shows without knowing Japanese. It was just something that you came to understand after watching enough RAW anime VHS tapes back in the day. Therefore, while some dubs may be good (Cowboy Bebop, etc.) I prefer subs since I'm so used to hearing the Japanese language.
  13. Yeah, don't need any dubs kthx. It's bad enough that Disney was the one to bring Macross to the masses, they don't need to start dubbing it.
  14. I just want a nice, semi-affordable, transforming SDF-1. Doesn't need blinky lights or such fine detail that it requires a microscope to see.... Just something nice. THAT'S ALL I WANT.
  15. Appreciated Az, though I'm on my PC and honestly didn't know google translate had an OCR translate feature. 🤔I'll have to try that. Wow, okay. I just tried it and am impressed. Cool feature, thanks for letting me know.
  16. AWESOME! Thank you! I got one from Nin-Nin. :)
  17. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    This right here: "Seeing some store shelf space occupied by Gundams feature more Macross would be wonderful to behold." This would be amazing and isn't asking much. Yes Gundam is popular but there's a hunger for Macross out here that isn't getting fulfilled.
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