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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. I've seen a few pics but can't remember where I can see all of it. Any ideas?
  2. This picture is made of EPIC WIN!!!!!!! Nice find!
  3. Yes, yes she is.
  4. Awwwww!!! Those are all adorable pics!!!
  5. MisaForever

    Klan WIP

    Ooooooh, I'd actually love to see that.
  6. MisaForever

    Klan WIP

    Dude!! It's like freakin' spandex on her!!! Nothing wrong with that.
  7. MisaForever

    Klan WIP

    WOW!!!!! Very nice looking!!!!
  8. A subtitled AVI file on my computer monitor would be just fine, thanks. Without the noise of a crowd.
  9. I am a fan, yes. Being the old man that I am, I too remember watching it on VHS a loooooong time ago and falling in love with it. One of the best anime in my book (But I have a lot of best anime)
  10. WOOOOO!!! Lovely pictures!!! Love the Minmay and the Klan!!
  11. Oh? Is it one with the Fast pack or no? Not that I'm picky
  12. ALRIGHT, I GET IT!!! I'm looking into getting a Yamato VF-1J Milia edition if I find one cheap enough.
  13. Funny guys So, anyone have experience using superglue on a Valk? XD Should I even attempt it?
  14. So I figured. Oh well, I'll figure something out.
  15. *facepalm* You guys aren't helping. I could sell it for parts I suppose, I just hate getting rid of it!!!! And.... uh, why was this thread moved to Anime/Science Fiction? It's about a TOY!!
  16. Hey all. So, I've run into a dilemma. I have an old Robotech Perfect Collection VF-1J Veritech (Valkyrie) that I love to pieces but has some issues. I've lost one of the missles and have now found out that one of the hinges is broken that hold the back wing-pack on. I really don't want to get rid of it but it's just not in that great a shape and am not sure what to do. Should I try and sell it or would anyone buy one that's missing parts and slightly broken? I'll probably end up getting a new one at some point but thought I'd get thoughts from those of you who are more familiar with the toy Valks. Thanks!
  17. Admittedly I have downloaded some of the songs but hate doing that. A friend of mine has a few of them and was going to make me copies but I wouldn't mind owning a few. I just have Ultra Fire! right now.
  18. So, I'm watching Macross 7 (ALL of it) for the first time and I'm finding that I REALLY like it! Much more than I thought I would. And I've noticed that the music, while I thought it would be bland and very J-Pop-ish, is VERY nice and has a lot of variety. I seem to appreciate Mylene's singing more than Basara's and love Sweet Fantasy and Dadeko Baby! So anyways, I give Macross 7 a lot of credit and wish it had been more popular than it was, at least in the US.
  19. So yea... I'm going through Macross 7 for the first time (FINALLY) and am up through episode 12. It's actually fairly good, I didn't expect it to be as good as it is so a nice surprise. I'm also watching it to get ideas for Max and Mylene since I'm role-playing as them on different sites. (It sounds strange, I know, but it does make sense, I promise!)
  20. You youngins and your rebelistic nature tsk tsk
  21. I THOUGHT that was Sheryl but I wasn't sure since the photos weren't labeled. Very nice. Is that Alto in a skirt behind her?
  22. And rips are for losers who can't go out and buy the real thing. Kidding.... I download rips myself.
  23. R.I.P. Carl, I grew up with Robotech as well before learning about Macross and am honored to have shaken your hand.
  24. I would only watch Macross 7 for Mylene, Milia, Syvil, and huge Zentradi women.
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