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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. I'm the same way so don't feel bad. They are all quite effeminate IMO.
  2. Ah yes, I see what you mean now. Hmmmm.... this is a good point you make. It would be nice to see some Zentradi or some other race.
  3. This is a true statement, however does every single thing that comes out have to be 'diverse'? I think it's been done to death personally.
  4. New villain confirmed. Smith hacks into and remotely controls all mecha.
  5. Yes, yes it would!! And no, Misa wasn't old, just grumpy.
  6. I know, I'm old. I just need to accept it and enjoy the show and characters. YAK DECULTURE!!!
  7. Ugh. So 22 is the oldest we get. Okay, I suppose I can live with that. On another note, I found this regarding Wion: variant spelling of Vian, a short form of the medieval personal name Vivianus (from Latin, meaning ‘lively’). This makes sense seeing at how.... bubbly and hyper she looks (and probably acts) LOL Nagato, the fan of all emo/goth/quiet types.
  8. I'm a fairweather Macross fan so only pay attention when I hear things. Yes I'm terrible, I know. I will do some research on this Fan-Ichi!
  9. Oh!! Sorry then, I read it wrong. I knew you were a good guy Guvava!!
  10. Well, apparently I'm good at missing things. So thank you for that. Such snarky responses today!
  11. So we have... Freyja Wion Migumo Guynemer Kaname Buccaneer Is it possible to sense any kind of theme with these names yet? I've seen ideas from some of you on individual names but am wondering if there's a group connection.
  12. So.... we have the Walkure group, the Aerial Knights, and then a group of pilots that protect Walkure. Do we know what they look like or what their name is yet?
  13. Well, yes, looking at some of them you'd think that but you can never tell. I suppose I'd just like to see more adult characters in anime. Not sure why you're asking me where it's coming from, it's a preference. Destroy the world. Why do you ask? Not sure if this is a serious question. Yes it is. And honestly I don't know where their minds are. Can't a guy just have characters in his anime that have at least finished high school? Thank you Kawamori. I approve of this character. And she's the leader of Walkure to boot.
  14. Please tell me that some of the females in this are older than 14.
  15. That's right!! I don't want any GUN DAM Gundam in my Macross.
  16. Noooooooooooooooooo.... it's Klan/Nanase. Get it right!
  17. What happened to more news on Delta? Shouldn't we know more by now? All I see is TECHIE TALK!
  18. A bit fickle, yes.
  19. Millia is definitely my 3rd choice. She was my favorite for awhlie.
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