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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. I want nothing more than for Macross to always hang on to its roots... but many people here have a point. They're branching out to a wider audience because they NEED to. I think this will bring in not only long-time Macross fans but also anime fans in general due to the KAWAII-DESU-NESS.
  2. Me three. I thought it was obvious. I seriously think Makina is my favorite girl so far. We don't need to get into why.... Though I do appreciate all of them. Love the designs!
  3. So I have to wonder... Looking at the information regarding Operation Valkyrie (Walkure) from WWII, it sounds almost identical to what the function of WALKURE is in Macross Delta. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Valkyrie "Operation Valkyrie (German: Operation Walküre) was a German World War II emergency continuity of government operations plan issued to the Territorial Reserve Army of Germany to execute and implement in case of a general breakdown in civil order of the nation I would assume this was the idea?
  4. I really hope not because I like Freyja more because of lines like hers. Azrael, making sense since 19..... something I'm sure.
  5. And these quotes from the sub CRACK ME UP. "Go get married to the apple farm heir" "It makes my Rune all shiny and glittery" "Swallow it whole" "but my butt hurt and using the restroom was hard"
  6. Ok, just watched the sub. Wow, I LIKEY! I love how they incorporated singing and fighting together as in PHYSICALLY together. Freyja is cuter than I expected so I'll accept her. I love the mystery of the Var Syndrome and how it's activated by a song from some mysterious woman ala Ishtar. I think I'll like this quite a bit!!
  7. LOL!!! I can totally see it when I squint my eyes! Nice. Yes, we're aware you silly, silly man! It's just nice to have everything in one place to see them all instead of going through pages of posts to find them. Plus more people go to ANN than here unfortunately.
  8. So. Is there an easy way to setup a VPN at home to watch the premiere? >_>
  9. Wow, she's quite limber. My fingers won't do that. I love how it looks like the Siegfried. Oh, and of course the obligatory "She's Hawt" from me.
  10. Hmmmm..... possibly Klan's Husbando??? BRING KLAN INTO THIS KAWAMORI!!! (She can't sulk about Michel forever.)
  11. I know Tochiro, just pulling your leg. Very excited to see the premiere episode!!!!! So, I did a search both on here and in Google and couldn't find anything. Do we know what (if any) meaning the following character names have? Loyd Blaim Theo/Zao Jussila Keith Aero Windermere (I could assume that Aero is the key here)
  12. SHHHHH!! Some of us existed the decade before Macross was even a thought.
  13. Might want to try those links again compadre.
  14. Wait... so if Mirage IS an actual daughter of Max and Milia (which the Fallyna Jenius name sorta gives away), then how many kids have they had??!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. O_O A Fallyna Jenius???!!! AWESOME!!!!! Mind = BLOWN!!
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