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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. ***Happy Misa Noises***
  2. Huh... okay that's not how I read that translated post at all so thank you for the clarification. I'm not picky about the PF or non-PF-ness.
  3. Then why show it off at all? Man that just burns me alive. Why get hopes up like that and not deliver?
  4. Well then that would just be mean for them to announce it so early. 😒
  5. Nothing on any of the sites yet. Here's hoping it'll pop up soon. 🤞
  6. Ditto.
  7. But they/we shouldn't HAVE to import them. I think that's the point here.
  8. Nope, but PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE post it here if you do!!! 😁
  9. I'm about to get my first 3D printer and would LOVE these files too! No pressure or anything. 😁
  10. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    Same. >_>
  11. Guh. So tempted.
  12. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    Press R for Reissue. Press S for SDF-1 TOY PLZZZZZZZZZZZ
  13. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    They wouldn't be shelf warmers at my local Walmart, I can tell you that. >_>
  14. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    It has arrived. 😍
  15. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

  16. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    Ninningame is welcome to ship my VF-4 Lightning anytime now. Anytime.... no need to wait. Please.
  17. Just think of the smell when that carp has been left out in the nuclear wasteland too long.
  18. BLASPHEMY!!!!! >_>
  19. MisaForever

    Hi-Metal R

    I pre-ordered the VF-4 but it's going to stay in plane mode. I just can't stand the front of battroid mode with that protruding nose. BLEAH.
  20. That's right, and don't you forget it! *hair flip*
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