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Everything posted by Maximiria

  1. underside of 1:72 d'stance underside of 1:60 yamato
  2. Yeah ok the neck IS too long, I take back what I said abotu the D'stance being yf-21 perfection I can't beleive I didn't notice how long the neck, now I wonder WHY. The rest of it seems to be as perfect as a 1:72 could hope to be. Why all the zardoz hate? That movie kicks ass! edit: Long neck aside, the D'stance is proof that it's not impossible to have more anime-accurate legs AND a sleek fighter!
  3. Valid points but in both cases you must consider the drop in scale. I give the dstance extra points for having the muscular legs that bell-out noticeably at the calves and thighs - even with the limitations of such a small size. The yamato legs are anorexic and not muscular in the least. I'm sure the fighter mode on the new 1/60 would have looked better if the vf-1 was not so small. If it was the same size as the rest of the mecha like the 1/48 who knows how good it could have been? Can you point out ONE area where the yamato is superior to the d-stance proportion-wise?
  4. The D'stance is far superior and it's only 1:72. Obviously it should be possible at 1:60. Why accept imperfection when perfection has been achieved years ago in a smaller size? I'm sorry, but there really is no excuse for those skinny legs. edit: thanks sumdumgai I'll do that
  5. I don't think it's impossible. I think yamato have just been lazy. I'm confident I can modify the legs, fuselage and belly plates etc. to be more anime accurate and keep the sleek look of the fighter, in fact I doubt fighter fanatics would even be able to tell the difference. When the 1/48 vf1 came out I'm sure alot of poeple thought it couldn't be improved upon, that the skinny arms and long nosecone were unavoidable. Well they were obviously wrong. It was improved, in a smaller scale! Like I said, the 21 is my favourite and if I have to do yamatos job for them to get a perfect one then I will. I think I'll pick up the first broken or second hand one I see on ebay and have a play around with the dremel and putty. The only part I'm unsure about is how to bulk-up the feet. If you want something done properly you really do have to do it yourself!
  6. That's odd because I went back and read a good portion of this thread last night and I see quite a bit of moaning about the legs and feet. EDIT: That's not even including the people who were too afraid to say anything because they'd get jumped on by ppl like you. Also there's a huge difference between liking the design.... and claiming that there'ss nothing wrong with it- probably because you plan to buy it no matter what. Convincing yourself that it's perfect when it's clearly not is just a ruse so you don't feel silly dropping 1-200 bucks on a seriously flawed toy.
  7. Well you can keep justifying your future purchase to yourself if you want, whatever helps you sleep at night. But please don't pretend to be a representative of the majority of members here, and don't tell me the legs are anime accurate because they're not even close. The 22 has even bigger legs in the lineart.
  8. I hear what you guys are saying but having a transformable figure that looks bad in B and G mode, so bad that everyone will probably display it as a fighter, defeats the purpose of making it variable in the first place.
  9. I was really getting into the 1/60 line after reading this forum but since my dream of having a perfect vf-19 and yf-21 pair has been shot down I think I'll just get a couple of 1/48 and leave it at that. I understand the 1/48 isn't perfect either and has no future but it IS nice and big, it's flaws are far less obvious than the 21, there are plenty of accessories and it's much more recognizable to the general public. Ah.. what could have been..
  10. When it's sitting on a shelf or in a display case WHO IS GONNA SEE THE BOTTOM OF THE PLANE?! That's right! No-One! Two out of three modes have to look inaccurate just so the LEAST VISIBLE AREA area of one mode can look better? The sacrifice has been too great, especially when you consider the legs are the most critical area for a free-standing poseable figure. The legs should be approximately 1/3 thicker to make it anime/line-art accurate, some scenes and art show the legs TWICE as thick as the world hobby photos I think yamato really could have tried harder on this one I'm not talking about making the fighter _noticeably_ thicker, just that a better compromise could have been made. *sigh* oh well it's too late now.
  11. It will be a hell of alot harder to notice a slight bulge UNDERNEATH the jet that no-one is ever gonna look at than those in-your-face chicken legs. Plus there's more room for sturdier/better joints.
  12. Looks like they had to put the legs on a crash diet so the belly plates would be thick enough to hold the gunpods. I really wish the fighter mode had been sacrificed instead. Who's gonna see the underside of the fighter anyway? Those legs are an eyesore. Sorry but I feel really strongly about this maybe those are just bad photos? The anime YF-21 is a masterpiece of mecha design, it looked really beefy and powerful, The pictures from the world hobby festival make the legs look way too skinny and weak IMO.
  13. The arms never looked that tacky/cumbersome in the anime and the legs were more muscular. I suppose it can't be helped given the nature of the toy tho. edit: hmm there seem to be some additional grey parts on the arms in the pictures I looked at. my bad.
  14. I'm familiar with the anime.
  15. I haven't read all 75 pages, am I the only one concerned about the skinny legs and excessive arm kibble? Better than nothing I guess.
  16. I don't see anybody asking for a 1/60 vf-17 or any of the enemy mecha from macross 7 Why is that? No-one wants a 1/60 zentradi soldier either?
  17. Wtf? I'm in perth too, small world eh? Any shops sell macross stuff?
  18. Thanks ppl, is the heat shield built-in on the VF-0 and future perfect trans VF-1? Do the 1/60 line all have articulated hands?
  19. Yamato are killing me. I like the near-perfection of the 1/48 but all the stuff I _really_ want is only available in 1/60. Have they abandoned the 1/48 line? I'm NOT buying both. Yamato obviously wants me to buy 1/60, exactly how good are they? Can any of them match the dyrl 1/48 for articulation? I'm especially interested in the hands, they need to be able to hold various objects not just he gunpod. Is there ANYTHING available in 1/48 besides the vf-1?
  20. Thanks, this is bad news. If I want a DYRL super max do I have to buy the parts seperately? Is it possible to put the articulated hands on a TV valk?
  21. Hello all, I'm interested in getting a 1/48 super valkyrie, preferably a max or miria to do some stop-motion but from looking at pics I can't figure out which ones have the articulated hands. Do the articulated ones ball up into fists and retract into the forearms or must they be removed? Also, Are any of them capable of doing a thumbs-up or giving someone the middle finger? Articulation junkie.
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