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Tekkaman Blade

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Everything posted by Tekkaman Blade

  1. If you add more dealies to the new version, I'm sure it will look as good as the new. Great work
  2. Hey man, I live in California and don't have an airgun (I need one). Though I could fake-play a game though. Not me. Oh, that video is an oldie, but a goodie.
  3. The story was okay, but the whole "ultimate weapon" made no sense how it worked. I mean, you compare it to the military in the show, that's just insanely ahead of them. Doesn't make any sense. As much as it was good quality and story, it was DEPRESSING
  4. You took the words right out of my mouth....er, keyboard. This poll was for that "following in the footsteps of Macross" anime?
  5. 2050+ just because I want VF-X2
  6. I think a 2 hour premier would be enough.
  7. I don't think it's going to be another Macross series.
  8. That could be it.
  9. That show is so funny. Oh man, me and my friend fell out of our seats laughing at that one (luckilly they were low, cushiony seats)
  10. OMG. I didn't realize that. SWEET. My friends would love to do that. Thanks!
  11. On what Keith said, that doesn't make any sense. You claim they haven't had experience LATELY. But these are clones of 100's of older clones. Meaning they should all have the same experience as their predecessor.
  12. I don't see how it makes too much sense either, considering they had no culture and all they did was train and fight. So you'd think they'd be fleets of veteran pros.
  13. Wow. That intro was amazing. This is probably a stupid question, but was that music from Aliens? Cause the whole time while hearing it I was thinking of Predator.
  14. OH MY GOD. I remember hearing that hilarious opening theme to Macross before Harmony Gold changed it to Robotech at Anime Expo one year. Does anyone have the MP3 of that? I know it's out there guys. I gotta hear it again. SUPER-DIMENSIONAL-FORTRESS-MAY-CROSS!!!!! DUH NUH NUH NUH!
  15. How about Mylene Dynamite 7 OVA version. I like that outfit and you can get the goggles at any Army Surplus.
  16. You'd also know that if you watched the show Considering some of you didn't know AND did watch the show. I sense a lack of observation.
  17. ARG. Like me and my Tasuki costume (which turned out awesome at AX2k2). I drew it up, had everything figured out, but making it was just UGH.
  18. I will. I think this movie will be way better than Matrix Revolutions (or whatever it's called)
  19. You'd all know this if you actually looked at my Protodevilin site Indeed, the Macross 5 soldiers were converted to Protodevilin mind slaves and the citizens made to be a small spiritia farm.
  20. I loved the series when they battled the Digimon Emperor (I know the end and who he turns out to be, but I liked him better as the DM Emperor). I used to have a really cool signature I made of him with his spires. Some guys ridiculed me for having a Digimon sig at an Anime Forum so I had them controlled by my spires and now they're garbage men. Anyway, I never figured out what season that was? Cause they had like another season of the original characters I think, THEN it went to the Digimon Emperor. Anyone know?
  21. What the hell-GEMA???!!! And yes, I love it.
  22. Hey UN Spacy, do you know any place where I find some Emillia pics? What kind of picture do you want? I can screen cap. Anyones. I can't seem to find many out there. On a side note how do you screen cap? I have the M7 movie on vcd, but i don't know how to screen cap. Do you have Power DVD 4 software installed? If not, please contact me via AIM or PM.
  23. Hey UN Spacy, do you know any place where I find some Emillia pics? What kind of picture do you want? I can screen cap.
  24. I voted all, but I don't count Macross II as Macross for me. I love the Original, nastalgic, Macross TV music, the orchestrals were nice. the DYRL was great too. Flashback 2012 added in some new spice too. Macross 7, I'm one of the few people that thinks Fire Bomber is awesome. Macross Plus, the most awesome mixes I've heard in an anime.
  25. Yes! And Basara punched a guy! How violent! Make the violence stop! Basara is a villain!
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