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Tekkaman Blade

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Everything posted by Tekkaman Blade

  1. I say go for it. B)
  2. I draw as I want. Perhaps they are not equal but I think that they are good designs. I know they look cool, but this is for a webpage section. THough I'd love to see some section with fan-symbols for AUN. B) I got a nice one.
  3. Other than the circle with the traingular appendages, all the other AUN symbols you posted were the pre-completed symbols. Don't mess with his mind!
  4. That would be a good assumption. Because if you look farther back at the timeline ( http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...0000/index.html ), there were problems at the formation of the Stellar Republic. And there was, what looks like, an organized force opposed to the Stellar Republic. Hhhmmm... this could be the case.
  5. Did you even watch Macross 7? Protodevilin, I think only Geperunichi can do this, are able to mind control their "subjects" and make them their drones and servants.
  6. The only reason you can't say that the new Varauta Army is an extension of the original Supervision Army is because the Supervision Army was never brought back under Protodevilin control, so it was a totally new military created to serve their purpose once more.
  7. I still think they were stuck on some attack orders or prime directives. This would lead to their destruction by the Zentraedii because of failure to create new ships or anything, as the Supervision Army was probably comprised of Protoculture and Zentraedii ships and mobile armor. They would be incomplete compared to Badolza because he would command the Zentraedii and cunduct research to heighten their technology and war machine's power. Also, the Zentraedii could make new machines with the Factory Satellite. It is possible that the Supervision Army could have stolen a number of them and transported them elsewhere, but as there is a lack of SA ships seen in the Macross TV series, it leads me to believe they didn't and by the end of the Steller Republic they were probably as weak as the Protoculture in defending themselves against the now rampant Zentraedii. Also, as the Protodevilin needed Spiritia, it may have been that after the Protodevilin were gone, the SA were still trying to capture living beings for spiritia absorption, greatly reducing their combat ability when trying not to kill the enemy.
  8. You realize the original thread this started was LOCKED and put in here right?
  9. I just assumed he meant AUN, or that for some reason he thought it was the Anti-United League
  10. No, it's actually pretty original. I doubt they tried to steal it from the Zeon. I mean, I could be playing around with shapes in Photoshop and probably end up with this by accident. Merely polygons
  11. Join the Anti-UN Hee hee, not what you're looking for?
  12. Macross TV: plot development Macross DYRL: enhanced designs (Mechs and Techs) Macross Plus: movie flow (Movie edition only) Macross 7: Character Design Macross Zero: new look and feel, also good background story prequal
  13. Well, that's what I used to think about the Supervision Army originally being the Protoculture military, but after reading this last year: I hade to change my thinking because of that one.None of the varauta ships were "based" off any designs, they were just plain stolen. Their Flagship was a Protoculture Super Carrier. All there vhessels were protoculture except for their FZ-109's Elgerzorenes and their AZ-130a Pantserzorene which were both variants of the VF-14 Hunter. They could have stolen UN Spacy ships too, but you never see any signs that they did anything of the sort in the show. Description of Varauta Fleet ships here Valkyries, fighters and special combat units here
  14. Thanks man, now I'll know when to turn my TV off. I HATE THAT SHOW. Worst Star Trek EVER.
  15. Supposedly, there are only those 7 Protodevilin that you see in the show. Technically, there are more in a Subuniverse where the Entities originated from that inhabited the EVIL. If the Supervision Army was left a bunch of catatonics, I doubt the Zjentohlauedy would have felt so threatened by them as they made it seem in their talking about their war with them during the Macross TV series. MY big question is if the Supervision Army was left capable, as it seems in Macross TV, why the hell didn't they go wake up the Protodevilin themselves? This is what leads me to still believe that the Supervision Army was stuck on some set of Orders or Directives. Like the Protodevilin were the wheel to the car, but after the wheel was taken out, it still keeps going.
  16. We don't see any Zjentohlauedy or Meltohlauedy in M7.....as a race or as an opposing force? Because we see lots of them as a race.... Obviously I meant as an opposing force (not counting the extra episode, Fleet of the Strongest Women)
  17. Well, the way I said it might be wrong, but yes, the Supervision Army was comprised of Protoculture peoples, Meltohlauedy and Zjentohlauedy from the Steller Republic. Yes, the war between the Supervision Army and the Zjentohlauedy is what made the collapse of the Steller Republic because they lost control of the Zjentohlauedy and the Supervision were a main enemy. By my observation though, you don't see any Zjentohlauedy or Meltohlauedy in Macross 7 and the exact phisiology of the Protoculture is unknown (though the representational hologram seemed to look humanoid). So it was my theory that the Protodevilin never recovered their original Supervision Army, so they created a new one with the left over Protoculture ships and the human/micronized Zjentohlauedy Colonists from Megaroad 13. I'm unsure as to who was controlling the former Supervision Army, but it's my guess that they (being mind controlled) were set on orders to attack the Zjentohlauedy and Protoculture and when their masters, the Protodevilin, were sealed, they probably got stuck on those orders. (Which may also be why you don't see very many Supervision Army ships in Macross TV because they didn't have orders to build up the fleet or get new soldiers, just to fight the Zjentohlauedy, whereas the Zjentohlauedy built up their fleets and clones as they still had Badolza in charge of them)
  18. For: Gubaba There are actually 8 Protodevilin, though Goram and Zomd are like the two who act as one, they are seperate. The Supervision Army was originally controlled by the Protoculture. The Protodevilin and Geperunichi took a large chunk of the Supervision Army to use to their own ends. Obviously when they were sealed on Varauta 3198xe, the Protoculture under their control were released. I think you are mistaking the Supervision Army of old with the new one in Macross 7. In Macross 7, the first soldiers mind-controlled to operate Geperunichi's new Supervision Army were of the Megaroad 13 Colonization Fleet. For more info, consult my Protodevilin website by clicking here. If you can't find the answer there or don't understand something, feel free to PM me or something. It's a little old, so forgive some spelling and grammar errors. Other than that, it has almost all the information you can find and my own observations and studies of the Protodevilin throughout the Macross 7 series.
  19. Sorry, but this show is almost as bland as Pocket Monsters and Yugi-oh. Boring and repetitive.
  20. Ooo, a thread dedicated to my favorite mecha in Macross yet.
  21. It was so beautiful.... *tear runs down cheek*
  22. I went with your program cause I wanted to rip some Fire Bomber music for mixing too. Thanks guys.
  23. I've been playing around with a program called Fruity Loops, it's to make mixes and stuff and currently I'm working on a Macross Mix. I wanted to use "Let's News" From Macross Plus to scratch, but can't find an MP3 anywhere (I own the OST CD, but I don't know how to rip the track to an MP3 or Wav file). Does anyone have a wav or mp3 of this? I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  24. Can't..... cope ...... severe.... ugliness
  25. SPOILER Yup, just like ther Americans to be the bad guys I was actually thinking about making a comic in which the humans are the mysterious alien invaders of a solar system inhabitted by alien animal humanoids. IT would be really morallistic
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