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Tekkaman Blade

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Everything posted by Tekkaman Blade

  1. Even after rephrasing, he did answer your question. Proto - culture means "First with Culture" They were the Prototype of Culture in the Universe I dont' know how they came about, I assume through evolution. As for where, that wasn't entirely explained. But all this WAS explained in the TV series. More towards the end of the TV series.
  2. Looking for Leiji Matsumoto artbooks and where to buy them. I'm mainly looking for Captain Harlock stuff, not really GE999 or Galaxy Railways.
  3. DVD, tapes and Laserdiscs I have all of Macross 7 on Laserdisc, Macross TV on DVD, Macross 7 on DVDs, etc. I want to get all Region 2's of everything sometime on DVD. 2nd place would be games. I got M3 for Dreamcast, VF-X1 and 2. and Macross Plus for PS. I also have DYRL for Saturn. I would love some more games if I could find them.
  4. I think either the Macross will make an appearance at the end or Gloval will show up
  5. You see the question. Which DVDs did you think were done better. (Though you can't expect much from Manga, as they are ridiculed for having the worst quality of any distributor in the US) Do not answer if you only have seen one of them. You must have seen both clearly. I don't care about menu systems, only subtitles, sound and video quality. Explain please.
  6. If Kawamori could only read English.....One must call for his froatiness to cast the Robotech-demon out of this non-believer's soul. For the rest of us, let us pray in silence. No M7 on that poll... Jeez some people. I should just make a poll where you only have one choice. Screw the rest, you can only vote for M7. agreeance. I can't believe he said that about Macross 7! Macross 2 I could care less about.
  7. MACROSS 7 WAS BOSS I can't believe people liked Macross 2
  8. YOU MISSED MACROSS 7?!?!?!?!! *mumbles Totsugeki Love Heart as he votes for Zero with clenched teeth*
  9. Movie Edition is all I need
  10. I thought that was because of the island swim-type wear she was wearing before. I know girls that wear tight, and elusive clothing like that.
  11. what are you talking about? It took me 20 minutes to get Episode 3 on Bit Torrent. And there's no spyware to worry about. Plus it's a fansub.
  12. HHmmm... I guess no one's up to the challenge. Can't blame ya, it wouldn't be easy
  13. I play the game called Darkspace ->link to site What's really cool is I can design my own systems and host them online to start wars inside them. I made a pretty crappy Varauta system back in July, but I was hoping someone could look at the series videos close enough to make a map. It doesn't have to be completely correct, you can even add some fictional elements (I did). Just don't make them completely ridiculous. I also need to know what classes certain things in the system are? Like I can make Varauta 3198xe an Ice Planet, but I need to know if it's a small, medium or big planet. Same kind of thing with the sun. Is it a small white one? Is it a red giant? A red dwarf? A regular sun? Are there two suns? are there rings on the planets? Just make this on a jpeg or gif or bmp. Most good looking system will be designed for a Darkspace server by me and if you play the game, I'll send you a copy! If you want to get REALLY big, I can make several systems on one map. So I could even get other planets like Eden and Zola into it, but I don't think anyone would want to draw up several systems and their relative distance from eachother. @_@ I would love a fictional map of Varauta system though. Thanks
  14. hahahaha
  15. Personally, I would like to see the VF-4 Lightening and I wouldn't mind seeing a series based around a Megaroad fleet. It worked for the game Macross M3, I think it could work for a show.
  16. Damn right. It's like the motherland or the fatherland, it's our homeworld. Also, what makes you think they aren't working on terraforming earth?
  17. The Megaroad thing is like the ending of Mospeda to me. They have to pick it up.
  18. What I've always loved about that site is that the sheer hugeness of Macross's Zentraedii ships topples most other sci-fi ships.
  19. I am 19.
  20. Could Lancer look any uglier in that cover?
  21. I searched the forum and the topic about Macross dreams has been deleted, so I guess I'll just start my own little thing. I got on my computer and onto these forums as soon as I woke up because I had an awesome Macross dream. Last night, I had a really long dream about me stealing planes that my hired me to do, but that wasn't what was cool. While sneaking through the downtown area of my home city (San Diego), I saw fliers for a Macross Show. I had no idea what it was in my dream, so I went to check it out. I came to this huge semi-dome building where the front was a glass front that looked like a hanger door and on each side of it was a gate (left exit, right entrance). I went into the entrance because it was a free show I guess (I was even freaking out in my dream because I'm a huge Macross fan, inside or outside of reality). The inside had a semi-stadium layout. Rounded around the walls there were 4 seating sections. Each one had a Fire Bomber band member talking to the audience on fairly big screen. If I remember correctly, the characters sounded like the japanese voice actors, except speaking english (well, they were in San Diego after all). I also noticed they looked slightly aged. I only got to hear and see Basara and Ray talking to the audience, but somehow I knew the other 2 audiences were watching Mylene and Veffidas. In front of each section there was some circular hologram thing that was displaying, what I think was, a news reporter talking about the show. She said that Fire Bomber was going to play, there would be some valkyries showing up for display and show and some other fun Macross stuff.It's my guess that the Valkyries would enter from above because it was an open roof (as in no roof). After this, all I remember is going back to my mission of stealing a certain plane for my friend. I'm working in Adobe Photoshop to sketch the layout of thise theater for your guys too. This is the second time I've ever had a Macross dream.
  22. Yeah, there were cars driving on the top in DYRL. It reminded me of the colonies in Gundam, but those were cylinders, this was cubical.
  23. The only instance I can think of that there is a possibility of seeing something like that would be the Macross 7 Plus episode: "Spiritia Dreaming" (I think that was the name of it)
  24. About the colony movement, most likely the 7 Fleet actually took time to survey planets, whereas it seems like the Megaroad just skimmed along, like a scout.
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