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Tekkaman Blade

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Everything posted by Tekkaman Blade

  1. Once again, I didn't make this. Give major props to the artist in the deviantart link! http://www.deviantart.com/view/5262850/
  2. It's not official then, right? No one in the Macross Universe actually uses it?
  3. Well, I haven't tried it yet, but from some news bits here and there I must say, it's looking to be a lot bette than Battlecry. I was really dissappointed with that game and may be burning it on a flame soon. All that matters to me is the gameplay and replayability.
  4. You don't need subs. At least from the tape version I have, it didn't seem like you needed them.
  5. A movie based off the Aliens Vs. Predator 2 game would just blow me away. If I see this, I don't think I'll take it seriously, but instead go in with lowered expectations.
  6. 2nd Ending credits is Dakedo Baby And Plastik, Pillow Dream is the song Mylene sings for her mother and father (Max and Millia) when she first has Dr. Chiba's spiritia thing on her back.
  7. You don't like Pillow Dream???
  8. Does anyone else just sort of "feel good" while watching Macross 7? I don't know, but the whole atmosphere and character personalities in the show just make me feel good. Probably why I like to watch it during lazy summer days. I don't know how to explain it fully.
  9. That has to be the most awesome picture of the SDF-01 Macross that I have ever seen. Artsy-wise.
  10. Grammar fix please. I didn't really understand the entire first post. It looked like you kept mixing Mac Plus and Mac 2 together. If you were askinga bout the YF-19 and YF-21, the 19 is showed again in Mac 7 as the Kai Valkyrie and the 21 is the base design of the VF-22 Sturmgovel in Mac 7. If you weren't talking about, then sorry, but you really need to make your posts more understandable.
  11. Gun Destroyer just doesn't sound right to me.
  12. I don't know why, but some times when searching for Macross stuff on the internet I keep finding Anroid Maico 2010 stuff. I've seen the series and don't see what it has to do with Macross other than it being in 2010 or why it's brought me to Maico when searching for Macross merchandise in certain online stores. It's probably just some kind of error each time, but I just want to make sure it's nothing more.
  13. I'd like to know about that too. *shiver* ... .American Bomber
  14. I used to play the Macross 7 RPG at www.unspacy.com Kind of grew out of it.
  15. Not bad enough to go to a "love hotel" with him on the first date. I was going to mention that. I think the whole reason Minmay didn't get Hikaru in DYRL is because she didn't put out before Misa did.
  16. That's a very good first post for you Mr. Comic person.
  17. Hope you aren't prone to epilepsy.
  18. Before I say what I think the best capital ship designs are... WHERE CAN I GET THIS??? I love RD!!!! Now, onto rants. First, from Babylon 5: Narn G'Quan class Starcruiser The Earth Alliance's Omega Class Destroyer Non-Babylon 5 NS-966-C Nadesico C And lastly, the Flagship/Carrier from Irresponsible Captain Tylor. I think it was called the Ho-Oh, but I'm not sure. I couldn't find a picture, will have to screen-cap it later.
  19. Beam Sabres? Heat Axes? Am I still in the Macross Forum?! \ The most you'd get is some kind of vibroblade or the saw-knife like in EVA (someone posted it). This show's timeline was back in the year 1999 whereas Gundam starts in a time where people live in space already in big colonies. What did you expect?
  20. That's what I was thinking... Same here And wow. Very nice work on your renditions.
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