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Tekkaman Blade

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Everything posted by Tekkaman Blade

  1. That's the Do You Remember Love? movie. Or is that from the DYRL game? I've played the game so much, I keep mixing the animation scenes they made JUST for the game as if they're actually part of the original movie.
  2. I think it's geared for a younger audience, but with adult jokes and such scattered throughout the show in order to try to appeal to both sides of the coin. I never thought the whole panty-photo sale thing was sexy, I just thought it was funny, like when Hikaru was all embarrassed about being in a lingerie shop. Kids won't fully understand why it's funny, but the "wah-waaahh" music tells them when to laugh.
  3. I think he had an interest in Emiria, but when he found out she was Mylene's sister suddenly felt awkward. I don't see why he would feel weird about that.
  4. Far more popular? In what universe is this, Keith? I'm sorry, I must have missed the major motion picture, toyline, and other series spun off of Macross 7. Care to point them out of me? Well, there was teh macross 7 "movie" The OVA series The manga spin-off The toys and models The video game The best selling musical CDs in the Macross series? Maybe not more popular than the original, but damn close. Not to mention a whole lot of doujinshi
  5. I got some really good screen captures of Roy himself, but his Valkyrie isn't too wonderful to get good poses for in the movie. Here's a winrar file I made with all the pics still in original bitmap: click here and download Tell me if the file gives you a problem or something.
  6. You want Screen captures? Just give me a little while and I'll see what I can grab from my DVD.
  7. Since you include text as a form of speech, that includes anything illegal you say and inform others about. On a side note, if you're going to try to comment that you don't want the forum to turn into a totalitarian system, say so. Communism is not related to totalitarianism in anything other than history. Democracy can easilly turn totalitarian as well, it's a matter of corruption.
  8. Actually, being hosted in America means the server has more legal limitations than most any other country.
  9. That reminds me... Am I the only person that sees a certain Gundam style to Basara's valk? Obviously Gundams don't have mouths, but other than that... It's because Gundams have facial likenesses which, just about all, valkyries don't except for the VF-19 Kai
  10. So either you're a pussy that won't debate and now apparently if you do, according to you, you're weak.
  11. oops, and here I thought I already posted.
  12. Although I thuroughly enjoyed a lot of the ship designs and some of the mecha in Macross II, I didn't like the story or the characters overall. As for Macross 7, I don't hate it all, it's my favorite. The story seemed iffy at times, but the great cast of characters made up for anything. M7 is one of my favorite "feel good" animes. I like to watch it when I'm feeling down, it perks me up.
  13. Like the McDaniel's in Side-6. they could actually make it a McDonald's if they want to advertise in the game.
  14. Sorry for bumping up an old topic, but I was wondering... I checked the site recently to see how the UC: Gundam Online project was going and I noticed the english version of the site was missing. I used to keep track of the site and check out the LIVE Model designs thing every month. Back then it had an english version. Could someone tell me if I just happened to miss the english language button or if they actually dropped english from their site? That would really suck. It's like a sign that they're going to release it in Japan only and don't want english so as to get our hopes up.
  15. I didn't see any photos with a Geara Doga??? Where's the love?
  16. The the Gallforce 2 and 3 books also have mecha and ship designs from their respective movies like the first one? My friend lives in Maebeshi, I'll show these to him on AOL IM and ask him to send them to me if he finds them.
  17. Thanks. Yeah, I'm mostly into the Ship designs more than the characters. Gall Force has some of my favorite sci-fi ship designs of any series I've seen. Monkey-N, when you say "It does have alot of Gall Force Mecha Designs in it", do you mean mecha AND ship designs or JUST the mecha? EDIT: Oh, Phyrox, I'm looking for ship and mecha designs from Eternal Story, Destruction and Stardust War. I'm not a big fan of the earth chapters or Rhea Gall Force at all.
  18. I'm looking for Gall Force mecha designs, ship designs and artbooks. Can anyone help me out? I've found one helpful site with lots of mecha and ship designs from Gall Force, but only from the Solnoid side and none from the Paranoid. I'm mainly interested in the ship designs. If you know of an artbook that has all or most of the ship and mecha designs, what's the name?
  19. I liked the DYRL one the most.
  20. I was always into sci-fi and giant robots, but I don't think that's what got me into it. One day, I was stuck at my cousin's house years back while he was at work so I started watching his Robotech tapes. For some reason, I kept watching. I really liked it. I think I was mainly interested in the characters. I wanted to know what happened with all of them and watched until the end. Maybe this is why I really like Macross 7? I'm more into the characters than anything else.
  21. You can compare the UN against the Anti-UN to the Spanish Civil War in Spain. When the Independance of their parties were threatened by unification into one Nationalist country, all the parties joined together against the Nationalist forces. Although they put up a good fight, just like the Anti-UN, they eventually lost and Spain was unified under the military coup's faction. I'm comparing these because the Anti-UN could have been like the Republic. Several different factions join together to protect their independance. The Anti-UN would comprise of several countries wanting independance and would share a mass ammount of good resources, technology and other such things.
  22. Bomba! Oh wait, that could be three different choices
  23. Same here. Me too, but that's most likely the reason it was scrapped. Actually, if the front nozzle can convert into a propellar it could land like a helicopter. It's been done for some space programs I think.
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