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Tekkaman Blade

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Everything posted by Tekkaman Blade

  1. I remember finding this when looking for info on some Macross CDs back in my teenage years, but I don't remember why I initially decided to register and begin posting.
  2. Same Can't wait for these!
  3. I grew up with Robotech. However, I definitely prefer Macross over it ever since I saw it. The main thing that turned me over to Macross was how much the personalities of the characters seemed to change. I hated Minmay with all my being in Robotech. She came off as a completely self-centered brat, but when I saw Macross, she was more nice and "real" than she had seemed in Robotech and I felt sorry for her at the end instead of laughing at her.
  4. Were the FX subs really the best ones? A guy that did distributing thought I should go with MAC or something, but I had prior experience with FX and liked them. I know the subs aren't perfect (I watched the fansubs of M7 at least 8 times all the way through before I got the DVDs), but are they the best out of all the groups that released M7 on DVD?
  5. If my Animeigo DVDs spontaniously combust, I might look into it.
  6. Man, don't scare me like that!! I thought maybe Macross7 had turned me gay! Not for nothing but if that blonde number is a dude it's one dude I would do! Okay, I found this though and it makes me feel better: Geppernich The principal enenmy, Geppernich is a protodevilin whose dreram of a "Spiritia Farm" begins the whole series of attacks on Macross 7 (and Macross 5 as it turns out) and eventually turns her into a "Spirita Black Hole" which threatens to eat up the entire galaxy. Geppernich' gender is an issue as she seems to be a she but from time to time is referred to as a he...? Check out my site in my signature for Protodevelin details. If you notice spelling errors and such, that's because I haven't updated it in YEARS. The History section needs to be revamped. EDIT: my geocities account just maxed it's bandwidth for that site. I guess some of you guys were checking it out @_@ I have a .com now, so I'll be moving it to there later.
  7. VF-11 Full Armor =) The character progression and developments Cliffhanger endings Max and the Bridge Bunnies
  8. I went with DYRL Minmay. I was going to chose Millia, but she can't cook, plus she turns into a real nag when she's older. My third choice was Rex, but purely for looks
  9. I can't wait for the wallpaper function. I made a poll at PSPupdates (I'm Station there) to see who thought Sony would make a wallpaper feature in one of their patches and everyone seemed to doubt it. Have faith in the company you bought a console from.
  10. I didn't know some other macross fans were going to Comic-Con or others lived in San Diego. I would have tried to meet up with some of you.
  11. I can think of one thing I haven't seen a picture of that I'd like to see. Exo, did you get a picture of the giant Gloomy Bear? My friend bought a plush and got a poster autographed by the creator. He loves those weird things.
  12. I have Max's VF-1A Super Gerwalk, the Orange Battroid mode one and the Skull Leader gerwalk. I wanted to get the Skull Leader battroid mode, but never did. The toy was too expensive for something that could either transform only half way or not at all. Plus, the back panel on my battroid ended up falling off from wear. They were pretty flimsy. My Skull Leader gerwalk's top popped off and the wings never came back. No, I didn't really try to break them, they just fell from a maid cleaning or from earthquakes that we have here in California. I forgot when I bought them, but it was before I found out about Macross and thought they were Robotech toys. So probably 1999.
  13. For those of you that go to Anime Expos also, it's insane how much larger the San Diego Convention center is compared to the Aneheim and Long Beach CCs. Took like 5 minutes to get to different booths on each end.
  14. Was that the giant Veritech at the con? I thought that was an Alpha fighter, but then again, I haven't watched New Generation in years.
  15. Some booth was selling those VF-17 and VF-19 Kai transformable toys for about 90-120 dollars. If I remember correctly, various vendors at Anime Expo were offering the same for only 50. Did I miss a sudden spike in the value of this product?
  16. I live in San Diego and attended this year on Friday. Only one day for me. I always feel depressed this month, every year since i don't go to Anime Expo anymore up in LA. I didn't really check out much of the american stuff, but one booth had some really nice artbooks. The Macross Design Works, Macross Zero and the various Range Murata books were tempting me to just give the vendor my wallet and take them all. Some of you might have seen me, I was the hispanic guy wearing all black with a dutch fisherman's cap with a red, soviet star on it.
  17. So the Vampire is a later variatian of the VF-14 Hunter? Or is it the other way around? I'm pretty sure that I remember it was called Hunter in Macross M3.
  18. Reminds me of the Paranoids' ships in Gall Force a little.
  19. You'll see them in space and usually in the city with the variable police cars below. I don't want to spoil anything, so just watch and see.
  20. I forgot about that. Don't they turn into semi-excaliber-destroidish things with wheel legs?
  21. Thanks. My friend is really into police mecha like Patlobar and other stuff like transforming police cars, dominion tank police, etc. Thought he'd like some Macross Police Mecha to look at too.
  22. I see this is going nowhere, so I'll also ask for episode numbers where you see the VTOL's transformation. Which M7 Plus was the one about the City 7 police (episode number)? I can probably screen cap it myself.
  23. I'm looking for 2 pictures of the City 7 Police VTOLs. 1) regular, untransformed 2) transformed with the arms and stuff I wanted to show a friend.
  24. You're looking for sound effects? Those are actually pretty generic. I think you can find them online somewhere.
  25. Translation: Yo, wassup wid them foo's on deh ESDEE-EFone? Why dey be so chill and sh!t, all flyin in outa space afta they got hurled out to Pluto in dat bigo bubble? They's not tripping like dem mofos in the BSG. I mean... it's da end of da world, yo! Crazy 'tarians.... South SIIIIDE!!! That was oddly easier to understand than the first post. I guess the Macross series could have shown a bit more of the citizens distress, they did seem pretty cheery for people living in space ship where if the hull breaches they could be sucked out into space.
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