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Everything posted by boyarque

  1. thanks a million for that link! Now, where did I put that VF.......
  2. u don't say... I can't find one here in Malaysia. Does this company have any website? That collectors from other countries can order from? Thank you in advance for taking time with my queries..
  3. awesome action pose! Feels like I'm watching an action sequence in the series, heheehe... the 'moon' surface, you did your own?
  4. yamatoing a bandai or bandaing a yamato? Hah...jk
  5. now.... that's something worth to ponder on.....I have been looking at my DXes, couldn't help comparing to Yamato's SV-51 and wishing what could have been...ah, well...
  6. not a bad idea if u really think about it...lol! Haih...I keep coming to this thread everyday hoping for some good news....guess I better keep praying...
  7. wow, that's a great deal.... over here it's USD100 per set! Damn.....
  8. Takara-Tomy?...sorry bro, not to sound biased, but I did own some transformers toys including the masterpiece series, and QC-wise they fail! Botchy paintjob, loose joints, wrongly assembled parts.....the list goes on... Now I have sold 95% of my TF collection to fund for Macross toys..... Again, this is just my personal opinion....
  9. I like yamato's nosecone shape better though.....
  10. got my yamato Monster few years back and sold it at cost....glad I did that! Can't wait for this version to complement my MF collection....
  11. Second that...and most importantly, not too big for my budget, lol!
  12. believe me, I did give the series a chance...and still the only thing positive for me are the mechas, heh....can't wait for teaser pics of vf-19 and vf-17! owh, btw, this is just my personal opinion...not intended to offend Mac7 fans out there....
  13. yup, I own one and so far really satisfied with the overall result...there are minor faults like U say, but easily forgotten.
  14. As for me, I've never liked the Macross7 series or movie...to corny for me... But, a YAMATO 1/60 VF-19!!! I say bring it on baby!!! Will be selling my remaining TFs for this one....lol!
  15. lol.....well said...
  16. I'm not mad at the toy for being so expensive... I'm not mad at Yamato for failing to make this toy more affordable... I'm not mad at myself for not being rich enough to buy one of these... I'm just mad at the circumstances which make this toy unfeasible and not being able to be distributed at a more reasonable scale and price... Let's all hope n pray Yamato might come out with a solution or compromise...
  17. yup, agree on that point. Lighter base aside, I will still buy the flightpose cause it is still superior to other stands in terms of price, flexibility and space management. That is, until I can get my hands on the old flexistand of course, heh..
  18. After reading this thread, I realised the flightpose stands I purchased last month are much, much lighter than what my friend have before.... I tried various extreme poses, but due to lack of weight in the base, the stand tends to topple....how I envy those who managed to secure the earlier version!
  19. just adding to all the awesome pics on this thread: and just got this at superb discount from HLJ:
  20. Gerwalk Mode: battroid mode: weathering done by a fren of mine...
  21. Hi, can my 1/60 vf-1a max tv ver land here? Jet mode:
  22. Hi, got my vf27 also last sunday from vanphang.....and apart from the job, this mech is suh-weeeeetttttt!!! Fighter mode is great...looks menacing enough ( wonder if it'll be in black color scheme ) Gerwalk mode is really stable...not like earlier releases of VF-25s...but I like posing its wings in compact mode, heheh... The rifle is humongously long! Almost 28 cm! One complain though, the wrist is not tight enough to hold the rifle in one hand, so you gotta use two hands to hold the gun, or rest the gun in this position. Really LOVE the head sculpt.. Now missing only Michel's Messiah to make it complete!
  23. Wow! Great pics u guys! I feel humbled... Just wanna contribute to this thread, I recently sent my 1/48 VF-1S for repaint job, had it with me for some time, and the stickers are peeling off, so I think "It's time to send u to the paint shop"...hehehee. So here it is: I've ordered my flexistand, now waiting to do some insane poses like u guys did!
  24. well...in the series, Alto DO get teased about his rather feminine side...lol! But yes, the 'Alto' in this pic is actually a pretty lady, in fact she came back later to our booth, wearing ultra-mini skirt...hubba hubba!
  25. Alto paid us a visit! Sheryl was there too... Alto somehow looks uncomfortable....
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