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Everything posted by boyarque

  1. I haven't handled the said toy, only shown the picture. I'll try and see myself this weekend
  2. not to be a party pooper guys, but a friend of mine encountered a QC issue with his unit...Apparently, the production wrongly installed the 'ankle-ring' on the left leg. I'll try to upload the pics asap. Edit: Here it is:
  3. my oh my....this will seriously affects my financial planning next year...
  4. I'm in...would love to add another awesome mech to my meager collection, never mind the story...
  5. I would buy this, but like always, refuse to loose any sleep over this. Just like the vf-171, got my unit by the end of the month without all those finger-cramping clicking.... Hopefully, my supplier will be able to come through with this one also..
  6. Reivaj...thanks again for the awesome pics!
  7. this never fail to bring tears to me....
  8. Kicker...awesome as always! Any chance letting some of the figures go? *Always wanted a Misa Hayase fig.... Anyway, here's my little contribution to this thread: 1/60 Thunder Hammer on a VF-1S 1/60 GBP Armor on a VF-1J That's most of it:
  9. Haha...sure kicker, thanks for the awesome pic too! here's our facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/136221716403846/
  10. great job man! Can I post these pictures in Macross Fans Of Malaysia facebook page?
  11. simple yet creative! Who says this hobby is only wasting money?
  12. boyarque

    WTF iShop2go!!

    Really? I just logged in, and everything seems to work fine with the website...
  13. and sagging Crotch...ewww...i hate it if it would happen to me...err...to my valks I mean
  14. thanks bluemax...might get it stickered up these few days...
  15. Just a question; I stickered my VF-1S 1/48 a while ago, and I'm quite not satisfied with the quality, ie peeling off. Is the VF-11B stickers the same or different?
  16. I'm definitely buying this! Not picky about the accuracy or color scheme, just gimme that valk already!
  17. wohoooo.... keep 'em coming!
  18. boyarque

    SCOOP thread!

    When I see this topic title in 'bold', I thought there are new info for upcoming valks....ah well... May I suggest we keep this topic strictly for 'SCOOPS'?
  19. Ah, just got a notification from Hobby Search. The release date has been push back to June: "The pre-order item listed below 1/60 Perfect Trance VF-1A Cavaliers (Completed) Was originally scheduled for release on May, but has been rescheduled for release on Jun. We will ship out the item normally when it comes in stock." Looks like it gonna miss the Anime Festival Asia Malaysia this 9th June....
  20. Glad to see all are happy with the Super Parts. I held out for the Armored Parts for Ozma since I only managed to get the VF-25S...but last week I got lucky; a friend of mine asked to look for somebody who would like to buy his VF-25F Renewal for less than USD160...Needless to say, I'm a happy man right now.
  21. Yamato...just a tiny peek...pleaseeeeee.....
  22. Ah, thanks for the info...guess still got time till next paycheck, heh...
  23. HLJ stated the Cavaliers for May release...going by what I've read in the forum, that should be around the last Friday/Saturday of the month, right?
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