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Everything posted by ZedzDead
hi GK, i do like your decal apps alot. maybe i can go back and redo them. and i kept the black 001 stripe on the fuselage b/c it is just my nod to the base fig. thats all, like i said, i wasnt doing a totally accurate repaint. zedz
thanx everyone. you are right about it being busy. and if i ever plan to sell it, decals can be removed from the main body as i havent sealed them. just the fast pack decals were sealed. so they can always be removed if i ever change my mind down the road. i did draw inspiration from you grand admiral, and one other cat b4 i saw yours. sadly, his thread pics are gone since he sold it. anyway, thanx GA for the words, and yes, i am loving this fig soo much. zedz
i wanted a bigger autobot symbol on the heat sheild, but the only other one i have that size is an all silver one. this one looked much better IMO. i also keeped the small silver symbol on the nose to match the symbols on the tail fins in fighter mode. i'm not worried bout the exact G1 replication so much now, just as long as the main details are there. Z
i'm totally fine w/ it. plus i dont want to take a chance on making any uneven lines. i do plan on doing the green visor blue when i get the nuts to take his head apart. i will also make the very tips of his head cannons black. other than that, he is a wrap. all i can do at this point is just stare at it and drool. i've waited for over 8 months now to do this. now its finally a reality.
hey there RDD, i just love jet/skyfire. nice work there too. i love it! hey, you may want to order some G1 jetfire reprolabels and fix up your G1 jetfire there. whoever put those decals on was horrible! i am trying to hunt one down now. wanna sell him? never hurts to ask i say. zedz
more pics of Jetfire in robot mode.
***i started a new thread b/c the other thread was getting too littered and wanted the pics to be accessed on the first page w/o editing*** i finally finished my obligatory MP "Matsushiro" Jetfire and he came out so much better than i was expecting. i finished off the process by sealing ALL details and decals w/ a clearmatte finish. he is now one of my favorite centerpieces next to my other MP transformers. and yes i think he can kick his old buddy starscream's a$$. i hope you enjoy the pics. ZedzDead
thats the plan. i wanted to let the paint cure for about a week, then put the final coat on. i'm thinking putting the decals on then do a matte seal. whatcha think? btw, is there an easy way to dismantle a VF-1S head? or is it just glued together?
here he is, just finished. i'm finishing my MP jetfire as you are reading this. i hate the greenish blue of the fast packs so i decided to go w/ a blue for my VF-1A MAX valk. well, here he is, enjoy. zedz
very nice guys, i will get to work on mine as soon as time permits. in the meantime, i know i'm not going to redo the red/black on his chest, but that is a very nice touch. it doesnt mean that much to me. i do like the red/blue crystals also on his legs; will keep them. zedz
Work In Progress my friend. far from finished that is.
actually, i have your thead listed in my favorites! BOWS. i will expand on what you have done by making the thrusters totally acurate, and putting black stripes on the leg armor. the DOT stickers were just for fun, but they rock! keeping them on. i will also use a few of the yamato decals for a more realistic touch, but no "no step" decals thank you. he will be one of a kind as far as macross/jetfire repaints go as i will put all the fine details in at the last minute. i'm worried about the head tho. not sure how to take that thing apart to put the blue transparency on the visor. any suggestions? and credit will go to you for my inspiration on the repaint as well. thanx, zedz
thats why its titled WIP. J/J i will get to that part of it soon enough. regardless, i'm loving the DOT stickers. ALOT! zedz
so far i'm using DOT reflective tape for the red lines and accents. just used a straight edge and an X-Acto knife. the flash REALLY brings out reflective properties, but in normal lighting it is about as red and the heat sheild. and yes it does look spectacular when the light hits it just right. next i will plan on doing the red line going down the wingspan. then onto the repainting of the FPs to a flat fireman red. will post progress pics as i get done. zedz
you know, i was thinkin, it might not be too hard to fabricate those simple decals. i have some DOT reflective red decals for my work truck that may be very good to use. plus it would give him a little more eye catching detail. whatcha think? zedz
what are these waterslide decals you speak of? got any links? any photos? you have my attn. thanx ryan
all opinions are worth while, and i couldnt get the poll right in the short amount of time i had to start the thread. i realize the size difference is vast, but i wasnt going to use all the stickers on him, and also, the 1/55 scale valks leg sticker surfaces are quite close. i mainly thought of using the red frlont leg stickers, thrusters, gun, the diagonal feet stickers, and whatever else would be feasable and look good. the base is no problem, neither is getting the labels to work. of course, i will seal them for durability. and instead of going w/ a red visor, i will go the skyfire route and do it in transparent blue. i had to do a few mods to the valk last night as i guess he was the first release of that valk. very loose in some joints. and also the thruster clamp that fits behind the head kept popping out. nothing a little clear nail polish couldnt fix. tight as a virgin now! can i say that? i just did, oh well.........zedz
hi, i am about to make a masterpiece repaint from (of course) the 1/48 yamato VF-1S Hikaru I. valkyrie to round out my TF masterpiece collection. this thread is started b/c i cannot decide whether or not to apply the yamato decals from the valk or to go all G1 w/ the reprolabels. i've never seen one done up like this and wanted to get some feedback. in the end, the poll numbers will decide the scheme for my new repaint. i will give until 3.15.08 and the poll will no longer be valid. i am willing to go either way at this point. choose wisely my fellow macross fans. thanx, zedz http://www.seibertron.com/toys/fullsize.ph...=2ℑ=49 http://www.seibertron.com/toys/fullsize.ph...=2ℑ=93 reprolabels jetfire set http://www.reprolabels.com/Autobots/jetfire.asp
i used it on every type of plastic. yes it works. and i refuse to soak anything in any type of solvent, ever. just a little elbow grease and OOPS does the trick. find it at most retailers. ask for it by name in your local supermarket. i approve this msg. zedz
to remove paint apps, i use OOPS, fast and easy. zedz
stealth fast packs simple repaint (nothing special)
ZedzDead replied to ZedzDead's topic in The Workshop!
i've been repainting for about a year now. its very easy (if you have patience). i prefer ultra flat for my repaints unless it calls for gloss. its really is pretty hard to mess anything up w/ a flat spray whereas gloss can run and leave an orange peel effect (dimples) if you put too much on in one coat. and if you cant find a certain color in flat, go w/ the semi or gloss, let fully dry, then go put a coat or 2 of flat matte clear spray. but be warned, if you are too impatient, you will get a snake skin effect (cracked pattern) from the coat beneath. the most important skill is the easiest of them all, patience. just fully disassemble the parts, put the screws back in there respective places, and remove the engine/turbine. these were pretty straight forward in that regard, a very easy job. did it in a day. w/ the help of heaters of course. zedz -
stealth fast packs simple repaint (nothing special)
ZedzDead replied to ZedzDead's topic in The Workshop!
thanx for the compliments. yes the tips were done in a semi flat black as i didnt have any color matches to go w/ the blueish grey highlights. i thought the 2 contrasts were a pretty good idea. would i prefer the original stealth FPs? yes, but i was limited w/ my supplies and am actually quite happy w/ the results which i guess is all that matters. i love the way ultra flat paint goes w/ macross and TFs. you get it too glossy and the finish just doesnt look right. i'll use future for my glosses. zedz -
i just got this stealth and a regular fast pack set in yesterday from Eternal D. this is one fantastic valk. since i didnt have the full stealth set, and already blew my tax refund wadd on other stuff, i decided to repaint the fast packs to match my stealth valk. besides the obvious, i also applied a trans green to his visor along w/ silver trim. i kinda like the way it turned out. i used ultra flat black KRYLON for the base and silver acrylic for the trim. also used rustoleum silver for the arm blasters. zedz before after
To Sticker or Not To Sticker...That is the question
ZedzDead replied to MacrossMan's topic in The Workshop!
i'm still new to macross, but i already have a pretty good start thanx to some of the fine members here. i found that the yamato supplied stickers are a bit larger sometimes than the area they are to be applied on. my fix for this is simple, you may either A) do as previousy mentioned and cut around the pattern as close as possible, or B) take a lighter and burn (singe) the access away til it shrinks down or in (just about a second on the edge of the sticker). i found the second choice is faster and more practical as well as sealing sticker and form fitting it. you may also use this technique when you have to apply a sticker to a curved surface that leaves you w/ an air pocket. the heat will again form fit it completely onto the surface. sorry for the rant. and as far as applying stickers to my valks, i personally love them on (not all the stickers), as i really do not plan to sell them. and if i do, at least it will already be done for the next person. zedz