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Everything posted by sidearmsalpha

  1. I've been watching these on Yahoo Japan, and it seems like they're only moving at about 16,000 yen or so. Of course, to Japanese bidders. Yamato could have made these more widely available by offering a limited run instead of them being a magazine exclusive with an even more limited run allowing for a lower price point through online dealers instead of the inflated cost that is being asked for them on eBay. I think these are going to turn out like the Revoltech VF-1J Miria - not that hard to find a few months from now at a good price. A few years from now, we'll see if they go up in value over what they initially cost. These will be competing with the 1/60 version, so new collectors may want that version instead.
  2. This is so true. I just don't get how Bandai does it's research when it comes to rereleasing these again. You would think that it was quite obvious that mint VE-1, VT-1, and Strike VF-1S still fetch quite a bit of money on eBay. These are sure-sellers. I know I'd be pre-ordering these babies. I'm paranoid about even pulling out the vintage ones from time to time. Be nice to be able to display some reissues of these. Bandai is so obsessed with starting with the first releases. I give them credit for finally making a VF-1A Max, but that should have come after the no-brainers. Some generous extras and more tampo-printing would be nice, too. I was shocked to find out that the Origin of Valkyrie VF-1J Hikaru actually came with a heatshield this time around.
  3. Definitely want one of these to at least have in fighter mode, as it's the only mode I really like of the VF-25, and I don't want to pay the asking price for the DX version, but the price on these is still too much. I'll have to look out for a price drop on this one.
  4. Meh ... still like the 1/48 Battroid better than the new 1/60. I wish they had added the double-jointed elbow to the 1/48 though and bigger hands. I'm keeping all the new 1/60's in fighter mode, since that's the mode they look best in, IMO. Can't wait to get the 1/48 TV VF-1A Max I got coming. I've got a set of white side covers, TV hands, and neck support piece waiting for it. That's another issue I have with the new 1/60. Battroid mode just looks incomplete with the gaps under the arms and behind the head. I don't think it would have been that hard for Yamato to design some fold out covers that would cover these gaps. Or hell, just include separate parts. I don't think it would be sacrilegious to their PT objective with all the new Valks.
  5. Cool displays, Vegas! You don't get antsy about having stuff up that high and falling down?! I had some stuff up on a 6 foot shelf last year, but after we had a quake, my 1/60 YF-19 and VF-1J with Urban Camo Armor took a dive. Luckily, neither broke, but the Urban Camo Armor did get scuffed a bit. I don't put stuff up that high anymore. I'm hoping to get some Detolfs or some other suitable display cases soon, so at least there's a door in front of my stuff to keep them from falling out and onto the floor.
  6. Cooll! Another chance to get a Max in Flight Suit!
  7. Ok. I see that now. Still, the feet are not to my liking. It looks like they should be reversed. I don't like how the tires are on the inside instead of facing out.
  8. Wish they had included some regular pilots with the VF-1D. I think it would look better with the armor parts.
  9. Like that Angelbirds with the Super Armor. Thought about doing that with some extra sets of Max/Miria armor parts.
  10. Damn. And I was really liking this figure before. I guess I didn't notice the way the legs attach to the torso before. Lame. Still watch the movie, but I don't think I'll be buying any of the figures.
  11. Wow! Didn't know about this. That's scary. They REALLY need to get more funding for that project to track all the nearby objects that are capable of causing some major impacts on earth. I hear only a few people in the world are working on this.
  12. It's so ironic that you guys can see how this toy could have been made better, but Bandai's team of designers (guys with experience and degrees in design) couldn't. How lame. I'll wait for these to go down. Really liking the fighter mode. The lack of open-handed hands is ridiculous. If you're going to have a toy with extra fixed-pose hands, those should be standard. WTF, Bandai! You're the biggest toymaker in Japan, and you're making errors like this?!
  13. I love video game music, especially from the game systems from the eighties and nineties, so I've been listening to alot of stuff that users on YouTube have been uploading. I especially like remixes of old tunes. The Super Smash Bros Brawl soundtrack has alot of cool remixed tunes of familiar Nintendo tunes.
  14. Anybody else get the red Beta yet? I remember someone saying they got it a few pages back.
  15. The legs on the VF-19 look like the Yamato YF-19 legs. I don't get it. If these are supposed to be partsformers, why not design it so it looks great in ALL modes?
  16. Rather have a 1/60 Monster.
  17. My friend, fellow MW member vf2ss, and I have started watching anime on Netflix. Last weekend we watched Project A-Ko, MD Geist, and Tokko. Project A-Ko was a total blast!!! I loved it! Can't believe I hadn't watched sooner. I miss 80's anime. I just love the animation style and music so much more than today's stuff. MD Geist was pretty cool, too. Good deal of violence. Looks like it was made by the same studio behind Fist of the Northstar. Tokko was entertaining, but the last battle wasn't that great. I hope there is a sequel. Interesting to hear Tony Oliver (Rick Hunter) as the lead character and Dan Woren (Roy Focker) as another character. I hope we can get together this coming weekend and watch some more. They had a couple of other Project A-Ko movies and some other stuff I've been wanting to see.
  18. I'd love to see a series based on the Universe comics where you have bots from ALL the series wind up in the same universe.
  19. Looks like a cross between a Bionicle and the alien from Species. Oh well, I'm not planning on getting any of the toys for the movie anyway unless the toy of Sideswipe turns out close to the CG model. From the first movie, I only like Ironhide enough to get him. I did pick up Stealth Bumblebee, mainly cuz I liked the repainted Camaro more than the bot mode. The only Decepticon that I liked enough to get wasn't even in the movie. The name escapes me right now, but he's that white and gray camo APC-like vehicle.
  20. The only complaint I have with Hasbro is that they don't make a movie/series just for the older fans, and realistically, I guess they can't since they have to sell as many toys as they can, which means, selling to kids, too. So, they make these series that seriously dumb down the characters and tone down the violence significantly. Only the comic books cater to the older fan/collector, but it would be nice to see something on even the small screen that has more depth but with characters that we older fans can recognize. Beast War/Machines was a great start in that direction, but it seems that after that, they went back to shitty stories aimed solely at kids. I guess those series didn't do too well with the younger kids?! Were the stories really that cerebral for kids to relate?! I remember watching the last season of Beast Wars when they realized they were on Earth back in the past and stumbled on the Ark and seeing Optimus and Megatron in CG glory. That was such a cool story with great characters. It's a shame that they can't go and make something CG like that again only with Universe/Classics versions of G1 characters or vehicles with a more serious tone than the crap they keep putting out. Who wouldn't kill to see a series based on the War Within universe or one on the Cybertronian Wars?! I was a kid of about 6 or 7 watching Star Blazers, and I loved that series! It was cool to be able to watch something with a serious story where characters died and there was some really dramatic stuff going on. I didn't feel like it was too out there for me. It's what made Robotech so great, too. I can't believe that they think kids today can't handle watching a character die. When the animated TF movie came out, who did they think was going to go see that movie?! Adults?!
  21. You're right. Straight on, they look like the 1/55 VF-1A heads.
  22. Nice find, charger! Wish they had gone with a different joint design for the knees. If these are supposed to be more anime-accurate, the back of the knees kills it for me. They should have stuck with the way these really look back there with that ribbed covering. I guess this joint they're using allows for better poseability?
  23. This is probably the biggest gripe I have with these figures. I don't understand why they can't all be the same scale. I don't mind paying the difference if some are taller than others. I mean Kaiyodo did it with the VF-1's and the Regult, yet they kept the price pretty much the same, so it seems that cost isn't a factor. It's what irks me about those K&M figures, too. The Tomahawk is just as tall as the VF-1J and VF-1S figures, but the Regult is about the right scale when compared to the VF's.
  24. They seriously need to mix the line-up with this line. For every two or three figures of a VF-1 or Macross Plus mecha, they should put out something different (be it another type of VF or an enemy mecha or even some character figures), not just a repaint, like what they've done with the 1/200 figures. I don't see this line lasting if they keep putting out the same mecha at those ridiculously high prices. You can already see the Macross Plus figures taking a plunge on eBay.
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