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Everything posted by sidearmsalpha

  1. As cool as it looks, I'm not too crazy about the small missile pods. Looks like they could have been bigger without interfering with the poseability. While not too big of a deal, I just don't understand why they went with DYRL armor. As others have mentioned, GBP armor would have been more appropriate. It's been awhile since I've watched DYRL, but wasn't there a very short scene where even in that there was a VF-1J in GBP armor? Doesn't make sense why these Japanese companies just don't get it right. This valkyrie was never seen anywhere in anime with super/strike armor.
  2. As cool as this movie was, I can't stop thinking about how they forget to mention that Josh Dushbag is immune to friction. Seriously though, how the hell did they think they could pull off that scene without him seriously injuring himself?! Even Keanu Reeves couldn't pull a scene like that off in Speed without riding on something. That whole scene just screams stupidity on the part of Spielberg and Bay. I know that you have to suspend your disbelief when watching most movies, but this just pushed it too far.
  3. I really enjoyed the movie despite it's obvious flaws. I would have liked to see more bot action, but I'm sure they had to balance all the action with human drama/comedy to draw in the average movie-goer. At least, the interaction with humans wasn't as lame as it is in all the newer cartoon series. With the CG technology already established, I'm sure a sequel will have more going on and introduce new characters (hopefully, the Autobots will be more diverse than just cars ... Jetifre, anyone?!) I hope the DVD release is crammed full of deleted scenes.
  4. Yeah, it was a cool special for the most part, but as mentioned, it did kinda suck that it wasn't all brand new stuff. I liked the fact that Lucas played himself in one of the sketches. Seth Green's Neal voice from Family Guy for the Tauntaun-costumed geek was hilarious! Seth MacFarlane as the Emperor was pretty freakin' hilarious, too. That guy is amazing! Loved the bit with Conan O'brien as that bounty hunter and that thing he does on his show with the still celebrity images on the monitor and Rob Smigel's talking mouth doing that Emperor impression. Good stuff!
  5. Well, I replied back with what you said above, but I just got the same response back as in my original post. I guess I need to contact them through their other e-mail addresses.
  6. I tried to contact HLJ about replacement parts, and this is the response I got: Dear Sir/Madam; Thank you for your business with HobbyLink Japan. (5) If you haven't sent us your credit card information previously, do so now by using the secure credit card information transmission page on our web site (see the upper left hand side of the main page at www.hlj.com), or by sending a fax +81-276-80-3067,or leaving a voice message at +81-276-80-3068, or by sending regular mail to: Please send your INFO. to us by FAX. Please write down, :Mr Takayuki Oishi/ Replacement parts Your Name/Address/Phone NO./email address/Credit Card NO./Exp date Your parts request. 1)Manufacturer name 2)Item Code (from the HLJ website) 3(Name of the Model 4)Part(s) requested from the instruction Best regards, Takayuki Oishi Customer Service Representive www.hlj.com I think they are under the impression I'm ordering parts for a model. I sent the inquiry to parts@hlj.com. Should I have tried a different e-mail address?
  7. So, can anyone confirm what parts are being replaced? Is it only the shoulder parts?
  8. These have extras that the Toynami versions don't have such as those missiles under the intakes and that piece attached to the arm that the transforming kits have. These will probably be made alot better, too. Damn, that sucks. Gonna have to get rid of the Toynami ones I have and get these instead.
  9. I had wished I had gone on Sunday to check her out, but my friends wanted to go on Saturday. Biggest waste of $30 I have spent. I can't believe the wait in line (3 hours!!!) just to get a one day pass to get in that day! What's up with that?!?!?! Registration takes way too long. I think I'll pass on next year unless there's something or someone that's really worth going to see. Most of the dealers were overpriced. Most things can still be bought for less on eBay. The anime show rooms weren't showing anything that great either. Alot of hot babes though!
  10. sidearmsalpha

    Please Read

    I didn't think that the part-halves were arm-specific. It looks like you would just flip them around from one arm to the other. I'm sure by now, this has got to be a widespread problem, even in Japan. I'm seriously waiting quite awhile now for the VF-0A Shin w/Ghost or any new Yamato release (with the exception of any new VF-1's) to see how those hold up over time. I can't justfiy buying a $150+ toy that breaks through no fault of my own or some act of God.
  11. sidearmsalpha

    Please Read

    It's too bad they're only doing the shoulder piece. The elbow part that is inside the cylindrical collar seems to be made of the same crappy plastic that the elbow was made out of and broke on a VF-0A. The plastic is very brittle and chips away easily. When I can, I'll take a pic and post it to show how bad it broke. The lower end of the shoulder piece fits into this elbow piece and seems to be of the same color and plastic as the shoulder parts.
  12. Sorry to get off topic, but on the subject of hardpoints and missiles regarding the Super VF-1, how are the two RMS missiles that are mounted together supposed to be aligned according to the TV series (I don't remember right now if they used RMS missiles in DYRL)? Are they supposed to be staggered or even (as they are on the 1/60 and 1/48 Yamato Super/Strike VF-1's)? I like them staggered personally, which is only possible with the super armor parts for the Toynami VF-1's since they are mounted on a piece that can be swiveled about the hardpoint on the wing.
  13. Does it get stored in a compartment on the VF when it's not being used?
  14. Forgive my ignorance, but who is Emilia? Is she a Macross 7 character?
  15. I had the luck of picking up an english version of Sonic CD with the Japanese music that ran on a US Sega CD without a converter from an ex-Sega employee who I had met one time to pick up a game I won from him on eBay years ago. He was kind enough to just give it to me. It's still fun to fire up any old game system and play through all those old games.
  16. Thinking about selling mine, but I trashed the boxes and just kept the cover flap for both. Might not be worth it to sell them loose if they just fetch a little more than the rereleases will be going for.
  17. What about the corroded screws? Anything work for those?
  18. I have encountered a problem recently when I took some loose reissued 1/55's and 1/65 Macross 7 Valkyries out of my storage unit. Upon close inspection, I've noticed that some of the screws have become rusty or corroded. I'm looking to replace the screws since I don't think that anything can be done about the rust or corrosion, but I have no idea how I would purchase similar screws since I don't know what size they are. Does anyone know of a method to tell what size screws I would be looking for at a hardware store? Would I just have to chance it and purchase a set of different size screws and hope that some would be about the right size? My major concern is that I would get screws that are slightly larger or have different threading and end up messing up the holes they go into.
  19. My first Jetfire back when they first came out. But the first issue of the Comico Robotech series was my first exposure to Macross/Robotech. I still remember that day I went to Comics and Fantasies on Vine St. and Willow St. in San Jose back when I was a kid. I was on my way out when I saw the cover of the book at the bottom of a turnstile rack. I remember when the first episode of Robotech aired and lying down in front of the tv watching the action unfold with that 1st issue in front of me. Good stuff! I didn't get my very first "Macross" toy that started my collection until after I saw Macross Plus and that was the Bandai 1/65 Fire Valkyrie around '95. I knew nothing of Macross 7, so I had assumed it was the YF-19 from M+ because it looked similar on the front of the box from the black and white image in the ad from the toy magazine it was advertised in. I think the place I mail-ordered it from was Super Collector. I don't know if they're still around or not, but they were ripoffs. I think I paid $100 for it at the time. I even bought a copy of SDF Macross for the Super Famicom for $150 back then from these jerks. This was before the internet and eBay, of course. They made the rounds at conventions. My friend and I even went half on this home-made video they were selling at one of the cons in Oakland that basically showed off someone's extensive collection of vintage Takatoku and Bandai Valkyries. The video showed all the toys outside and inside the boxes while Macross music played in the background. Anyone know what I'm talking about and whose collection it was? I still have the video.
  20. For anyone who has their collections stored inside glass cases, have any of you coated the glass with that special film you can get that protects against UV light? If so, is the film clear? Does it apply smoothly? And this is probably a stupid question, but is there a need to apply it on the inside of the glass, too?
  21. Geez, I hope Joel didn't transform this himself. Wasn't it obvious where the leg armor should go when they took a pic of it in fighter mode?
  22. Man, this guy either couldn't wait to get one, or he's completely clueless about it being reissued. http://cgi.ebay.com/YAMATO-1-48-MACROSS-RO...1QQcmdZViewItem
  23. Harry looks weak. He's not even wearing a helmet or anything to protect his head. I would have liked to see a variation of the Goblin armor for Harry. By the way, I've seen TRU ads with a figure of Venom that's supposed to be part of the Spider-man 3 toy line, so I guess that clears up the question of whether or not he's going to be in the movie. How long is this movie gonna be? It had better be about 3 hours if they're going to have all these characters in it as well as all the subplots.
  24. Sorry to get off topic, but has Graham announced when he was going to put up the responses he got back from his meeting with Yamato on Feb. 5th?
  25. It's a damn shame that Mospeada can't get any love from the Japanese toy companies. I mean I would pay the asking price for a Bandai-produced SOC-quailty Cyclone or Legioss. Mospeada may not have been huge in Japan, but the mecha designs are still very cool to this day, especially the Cyclone design. I would think a company as huge as Bandai could test the waters on Mospeada. It seems they are willing to put out SOC toys of some of the more obscure Super Robots. Well, only time will.
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