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Everything posted by sidearmsalpha

  1. I thought the hands on the Aoshimas were made with a more durable material than the Toynamis?
  2. Sorry, guys. I didn't go back far enough in the thread. I just read this. Holy crap! That plotline blows! And why Ripcord?! Was he really a major player on the team?! Why not bring in Stalker and get some older guy to play him?! Geeeeeez! Well, I guess I can set my standards as low as they can go. UGH!
  3. So I was reading the latest Toyfare and skimmed through the article about GI Joe, and the article says the movie revolves around Rip-cord and Duke joining the team. So, Marlon Wayans and that guy from Stop-Loss get alot of the screen time? Yeah, that's gonna be really good.
  4. Not including super armor with it sucks big time. I hate the fact that you will probably have to swap out limbs with these like with the previous GN-U Valkyries. I guess they didn't want to make holes in the parts. I'm not liking those elbow joints either. I wonder if the feet can close? I don't see that in any of the pics. Hopefully, it will come with a set of TV hands, too. I'll wait for these to go down big time before I even consider picking them up. This line would have been great for obscure mecha and character figures, but they keep putting out the same Valkyries from other lines. Lame.
  5. Did the Destroids have crews in space outside the SDF-1? If so, it would have been cool if Yamato included figures wearing space suits, too.
  6. This is good news! I guess I'm one of the few that actually prefers it blue.
  7. I'm turning 36 in a few months, too. But I don't think I'll be getting anything Macross-related from my girlfriend. She looks down on my collecting, so be thankful you have a loved one that doesn't mind your hobby and even goes to such lengths to buy you something like that.
  8. Awesome, katsuden! Do you have any closeups of the stuff in the display case?
  9. Nice work, Valar! It sucks that Yamato doesn't go the extra mile to really differentiate the TV Valks from the DYRL Valks in all the little details like you have done, especially the cockpit differences. It also would have been nice to see them tuck the head up higher in fighter mode, too.
  10. Was a release date/month announced for this exclusive yet?
  11. Can anyone vouch for the paint quality on these reissues? The first and second sets had paint problems. CMs got better with the last two sets.
  12. Anybody know how much Over-Drive generally charges to ship one of these 1/60's without the armor parts to California?
  13. I checked out my friend's Beagle today, and it really is very nice. Tempted to get one. I did point that thing out to my friend about the chest lights, too. They would have looked much better in transparent plastic.
  14. Greg, I have nothing but praise for your work. I love your take on the licenses. I still have one of the pages from Covert Ops that I won on eBay years ago and the signed book from which it came.
  15. I think if you can be more patient, you can score one on eBay for less. I was able to get one for roughly $180, which includes shipping from a reliable US seller.
  16. So, what does the scope look like on the Beagle?
  17. Speaking of Robotech comics, does DC/Wildstorm still have the rights to publishing Robotech comics, and if they do, do they plan on doing anything else?
  18. You're like my friend. He has things shipped to his job, so the wife doesn't complain about him getting stuff. He then sneaks things into the house and hides them in a closet or quickly puts them in his display case.
  19. I was trying to get some info on what Jetfire is going to look like in the new movie since he's always been my favorite TF, and I found an auction on eBay that claims it's a Jetfire figure from the movie. http://cgi.ebay.com/Transformers-movie-2-l...1QQcmdZViewItem All, I have to say is ... NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That has got to be the worst Jetfire design ever!!! I figured they would at least make SOME attempt at paying homage to the G1 character from the cartoon in terms of body style with maybe his head like the Classics version with the helmet on, but this is just so WRONG!!!! Hell, I'll even settle for some kind of Armada/Energon/Universe incarnation, but this has to be the crappiest design that has come out from the movie yet! That head reminds me of the Maxx character with that large overbite! I truly was expecting alot more than this. I know they had taken lots of liberties with the TF designs in the first movie to make them look more like alien robots, but damn, even Prime still got to retain alot of what makes him Prime. THIS looks NOTHING like any version of Jetfire ever done and is truly a travesty. How could Hasbro pass this design?!?! UGH! I feel ill! Not looking forward to this movie at all now.
  20. So, basically, Yamato could have stuck with something that was tried and true, but instead, went with a redesign that served no real purpose only to have it backfire on them.
  21. It's just disappointing that it's such a cool toy marred by a pretty significant design issue. I've owned over 20 1/48's and have never had anything break on them, so I was expecting that same level of quality on these new 1/60's. Nevermind the VF-0's since the shoulder/arm design is different. The new 1/60 isn't that big of a step up from the 1/48's. Is the new shoulder/hinge design one of the factors that allows the arms to be up higher in fighter mode? I'm at work right now, so don't have one in front of me to check. Is that why they had to do something different than the 1/48? Or was the design supposed to be for better articulation of the arms in Battroid mode?
  22. It just boggles my mind that the shoulder issue isn't something that was tested thoroughly during the design of the toy. At least it seems that way. You would think that if they are going to design a small thin plastic part that is going to be moved alot, it would be wise to thicken the part at the point(s) where it will be under stress. It's as if they didn't learn anything from the VF-0 debacle. I'm regretting buying the 4 V.2's I have so far, since, as it has been mentioned, it's probably only a matter of time before they suffer the same fate. I'm gonna have to be extremely careful with them and just try not to transform them as much or at all. What I'm fearing is that they will begin to crack or show stress marks from the stress of the metal pin in the long run regardless of being transformed or not. Yamato definitely needs to test these toys a helluva lot more than they are doing before going into production.
  23. I received the VF-1S Hikaru on Saturday. I noticed there was a black speck on the canopy that bugged me more and more everytime I looked at it. I determined it was on the bottom side of the canopy, so I tried to rub it off with tweezers. In doing so, I ended up scuffing that shiny layer, which to my surprise, was applied to the bottom of the canopy. The scuffing looked bad from the outer part of the canopy, so with some patience, Q-tips dipped in water, and toothpicks, I was able to remove the shiny layer completely, so now the canopy is clear making the earlier scuffing I made not so noticeable. I actually prefer it like this. I'll have to take a pic of it when I can find my camera, which is misplaced at the moment.
  24. I just opened up the OD Tomahawk I got, and it only comes with the special sticker sheet. Can anyone else confirm this, too? Man, I was hoping it would come with the regular sheet, too, and seeing as how I don't live in Japan, getting one would be a hassle and probably not worth the expense to get one from HLJ (though I got it from an eBay seller). It wouldn't be so bad if the OD sheet at least included some Macross kite stickers in the clear and white of the special sheet, or some of the other stickers found on the regular sheet like the numerals. Oh well, maybe takatoys will make some Tomahawk stickers. By the way, the knees don't really have any articulation, right? I was somewhat disappointed that the waist pivot articulation from front to back isn't tighter as it tends to flop either forward or backward sometimes. Not a bad toy, but I don't think it was worth the $115 I paid for it. They could have at least thrown in more ground crew figures or even some kind of diorama or more opening hatches with detail. Are those boxes on the sides of the legs supposed to be missile hatches like on the GBP armor?
  25. I recently dug up my CM's series 1 set, but I can't seem to remember if the Hikaru Flight Suit figure had a visor for the helmet. I'm pretty sure I kept all the parts together, but I can't find the visor (if it came with one). Can anyone confirm whether or not the helmet came with a visor? Thanks.
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