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Everything posted by mriboy

  1. Put me down for one please
  2. Is this still on? I would want ! SDF-1 tv version if it is.
  3. How tall do these stand?
  4. I am intrested for the factory kit.
  5. Just purchased both 1/48 VF-19 with booster pack and 1/60 SV-51 Nora. And a regult and officer pod 1/72 resin models i will have to paint and put together. That should hold me for awhile. By the way how do you size pics so you can post?
  6. Yeah I am done with the MPC and going yamato for any new ones. My scott, sue, and lancer realy crappy looking up close and not put together that great. Didn't know about yamato's till this site and got the MPC due to robotech.com.
  7. mriboy

    VX-9 "Vampires"

    That is one sweet looking paint job, awesome work.
  8. Hi, I'm Mike and am new to the board and officially addicted. I have spent about a grand this last two weeks in valk's and purchased a 1985 mib hover tank and 1985 mib veritech fighter. On the hover tank the box is in real bad shape, so thinking of just taking the tank out and putting on display. I have baught from the masterpiece collection 1/55 scale Ben Dixion, Sue Graham, Lancer, Scott Bernard, Roy Fokker and the 1/100 second pack from toynami. I also have a invid scout and shock tropper. I then found this site, so now I ordered a yamato 1/48 Roy Fokker with to DYRL strike pack and looking at the 1/48 VF-19 and 1/60 SV-51r then After those two I need to take a break lol. I am trying to get my display looking good so they look like they are in outerspace fighting then I will have to figure out how to post picks. Well just wanted to say hi and been reading alot on the board and thanks for some great ideas. Mike
  9. How does the 1/60 scale compare to the 1/55 master collection in size?
  10. the right hand has a "developing crack" at the pin joint of the index finger - its not broken but from the looks of it, it will after a few twists and turns on the hands. I just got mine yesterday with the exact same problems with the hands.
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