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Everything posted by mriboy

  1. Thats what I was thinking Night of the comet ,but when he said aliens where involved it threw me off. I thought it scientist and people in a underground base who caught them they wanted the blood for tansfusions cause some forgot to close a vent in their base so the scientist where dying cause the got exposed to the radation. edit was typing to fast and wasn't making sense with all the typos.
  2. Sorry don't know but here is another one I am looking for the name off. Starts out a guy and girl are on a dirtbike in sand dunes the gett attacked buy giant scorpions and the girl falls off as the guy makes to some base or camp can't remember and the girl ended up being a dummy. They end up going to Vegas all deserted with sand dunes playing some slots at Circus Circus than go to the mall when they and get attacked by killer cockroaches that were armored plated thats all I can remeber it was in early 80 I think.
  3. I had my Wii for 4 months finaly saw it had built in wireless lol, so I have it connected and man they do have a lot of classics for download. I need to got a classic controller now.
  4. I am going to see it in 3 hours from now.
  5. Isaw a F-22 practicing for an airshow a Nellis AFB and it amazing what it can do. I saw it stop pretty much in the air do a 180 then zoom off pluse a lot of other stuff like that. I grew up near Nellis so seen lots of stuff, but that F-22 doing all those diffrent things blew me away.
  6. Nice, I have those 1/100 also, I like the stand that come with them. It lets you get very creative with poses.
  7. I here that, TOS was better to me on how things were done. Solo's karate for the win.
  8. Yeah that paint job rocks. So how do you get that effect ?
  9. Great job on the scout.
  10. I know it has plot holes but I like it so far. We need more action T.V. shows, not any more reality shows thats for sure.
  11. I was thinking the same thing wow a couch can stop bullets. Then the cop say to the FBI agent there was kevlar in the couch when he got to the house.
  12. Boy, I can't wait to see them done.
  13. mriboy

    Lego YF-21 & Ghost

    I second that, I used to love playing with my legos and building things up untill my mid teens. See all this make me want to start collecting and building them again. This site is bad for my wallet.
  14. mriboy

    My Double D's

    Man those are some nice custom valks you got there.
  15. Yeah I wouldn't want to go more than 150 years by then we should have the tech to go to other planets in our solor system at least? Mars will maybe have colony by then. Just look how much tech has progressed in the last 30 years.
  16. I don't care about all the paradox stuff, just give my some action to watch on tv. I am sick of all the reality shows, and with the writers strike its going to be worse.
  17. Owning 5 MPC and now 5 Yamatos I woulld say Yamato is the way to go.
  18. Those are looking good.
  19. Man I wish it would happen, I would buy at least 2.
  20. A U.N. Spacy pilot in a Valk that wasn't tan in color
  21. Man I'am so glad I found this site and found out all these diffrent Macross movies. Watched Macross Plus the 4 series set and enjoyed it. my Macross T.V. set got here last night to so going to start watching them.
  22. I agree, but thats why I just got some resin models I will be putting togather for now.
  23. Just got done watching it and had a few questions so if you havent seen it go no further. Did Isamu die and that was his ghost at the end? Since he didn't realy stop and kept flying. Also who where they fighting at the very start of the of episode 1? Does the X-9 ever show up in other macross shows because you never realy get to see it at all during Gould's and it's battle. Man I wish it was longer than 4 episodes it was a great show I liked it even better than Macross Zero. It was funny though how the first episodes the looked all elfish whith those pointy ears but the ears got rounder by episode 4.
  24. Found it while googling about Robotech MPC veritechs
  25. Shin flew off to join Sara to wherever is what I was thinking.
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