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Everything posted by Mislovrit

  1. U.S. Navy would disagree with you as Ike is a very important U.S. hero, patriot and leader long before becoming president making him more then eligible for a ship to be name after him. Whether a carrier and not something else would have been after named him had he not been president is a logical question.
  2. Quick nonpolitical post on U.S. ship naming schemes should read the Ship Naming in the United States Navy F.A.Q. page.
  3. The stuff Clinton did in office to the military is far more then enough to ensure his name will never be use on any military kit let alone an aircraft carrier. Impossible not to discuss politics as long we're stuck on carriers naming schemes and why those names are chosen.
  4. Still sounds like the cut version. I could have swore the Guile vs. Vega fight was much longer with Guile being little more than a punching bag lasting for several minutes ending with the flip kick, and Sonic Boom. That's the one.
  5. Does this version have the uncut Guile vs Bison fight and "teaser" ending of the original Japanese edition?
  6. Unless Ford did something important for the military (especially the Navy), his name wouldn't be on the list.
  7. Reasoning as to why SSN-23 is named after Carter can be found here here.
  8. 1-2 billion per bomber makes naming them a much more important matter.
  9. Aeon Flux by any other name would have been a decent made for tv movie, but as it is let someone else pay for it.
  10. Thought the BUFF and SLUFF already had dibs on the "fat b-----rd" moniker?
  11. The Raptors in Jurassic Park should have been the size of chickens, and were in the book. However, shortly after filming was completed (according to Bob Bakker, anyway), a type of raptor was discovered which was roughly the "movie" size. 414679[/snapback] The Utahraptor was discovered when Jurassic Park was still being filmed and Steilberg was being a total prick when the size and names issue came up.
  12. Found this thread General Depuy; How Does He Rate?, amongst 20th century GOs in peacetime which have more information on the Brad fiasco.
  13. Is it just me or does it look like it is a two engine fighter?
  14. Another example why luddities shouldn't be involved in entertainment. Southcross where did you find that pic you're using for your avater?
  15. Wonder if Cheney would've done the same thing to the F-15 had the Shah brought it instead of the F-14.
  16. Understandable in 1980 but in the early 1990ies?
  17. At least the back ground Jedi were armed sharp pointy objects. The back ground mutants were practically unarmed with a few exceptions provided they didn't get "cured" on the way to the defensive line. Would've thought some of them would've had the smarts to bring weapons [preferably guns] to make up for lack of range or their non-combat effective mutations.The mutant wave assault on Alcatraz was rather pointless as Magneto would've still had plenty metal laying around on Alcatraz itself with the doors, fences, rebar in the walls and etc. to wreck merry hell on the on it, just just dropped or thrown the bridge onto/into the section where Leech was held.
  18. Yup the definition for "speedbump."Even with the additional 300,000 people it would just add couple thousand more men to the military. That's is going by the usual 0.1 to 3ish percent of population currently serving.
  19. Forget China, India, and Australia make for better allies and have the ability to power project and able to pull your butt of the fire should the need arise. After looking at the population numbers for the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin, the ROS is going to need protection as roughly 700,000 people will be hard pressed to maintain a military large enough to cover the entire nation.
  20. Doubtful China would be a natural or friendly ally without the U.S., Russia, and Japan keeping them from getting any ideas of annexing the ROS. True and false the U.S can be a very reliable ally when both parties see it's in their interest to do so. Problems comes Russia been ineffectual in opposing the U.S. allying up spree with most of the former Warsaw Pact and Soviet republics via the CotW. Plus it is in the U.S. interests to contain Russia and China.
  21. Things would be very interesting with that setup. Potential for oil, natural gas, and etc to be located in or around the islands is the primary value.
  22. Strategic and economy value of the islands and the surrounding area is almost to important to let go without getting something in return for them. Best bet is probably to do business with both sides and thus everyone benefits in some way.
  23. Japan is almost certainly willing to bend over backwards (nonmilitarily) and then some to get the Kuriles back, but Russia is almost certainly willing to bend over backwards (nonmilitarily) to keep you from giving, selling or trading the islands to them.
  24. You don't happen to have a torrent with a pulse for that 397792[/snapback] Try it again as it is working.
  25. According to the "Riding Bean Research" footnote which came with the VHS tapes, the bandanna and jacket are made out quote "special titanium-mesh weave overlaid with kelvar." Everything else is just made with kelvar.
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