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Everything posted by Mislovrit

  1. Imho Airmaster is much better though about a fourth of the characters will make you gripe. How it handles characters is a bit like Slam Dunk! where nearly anybody who have more than five lines haves their entire history shown.
  2. Imho I would suggest you screen it before buying a copy.
  3. Imho MZ feels like the Macross' version of Gundam's OYW saga. As in both shows starts at the @$$ end of the war, but in MZ's case without giving hardly any insight who fired the first shot or action which started the war in the first place. MZ missed the opportunity to show the development of the variable fighters and the destroids, and the combat which gives incentive to replace the destroyed and damaged conventional weapons with the new tech.
  4. Jolly Rogers from the trailers (any genre) I've seen other the years, most of the them are lame regardless of whether the movie is one of the best or worse ever made.
  5. The angels, accessories(sp), and need to customize the little buggers, seems to be an idea borrowed from Akihabara Dennou Gumi, though the angels tend to be more pleasent to look at.
  6. She too old for Rei but she is a dead-ringer for Yui Ikari and is about the right age.
  7. KO Beast Century already done that story.
  8. Was there any explanation for the US to attack Japan and why it was neccessary for pretty much destroy the world because of it? Frankly SaiKano is going to spark more online U.S. bashing which is something I rather do without.
  9. Doki Doki Productions homepage http://www.doki.ca/ haves the NYO is WAR AMV and his other AMVs up for downloads.
  10. It sure does and it also haves nipples.
  11. For Green Green I haven't watched it yet so no comment. Popotan is an anime drama with bare squishies and squishies being squished from the first two epsiodes I've seen.
  12. If you've look as Maki's face when Ms. Boobs said that you'll know they not sleeping together. It just Ms. Boobs attempting to mark her territory against possible rivals. Is it just me or some of the characters look like they're drawn or inspired by Koutarou (Girl Power dojins)? Let's us toast to that one, ok. At least they're entertaining junk. What do you think of Usagichan de Cue!!?
  13. ] How is it retarded? Matter of opinion The big-breasted girl is merely infatuated with Maki. Who in turn is frankly not sexually interested in either gender. Still better then the incest triangle in Ikkitousen.
  14. A7 you probably haven't seen enough to get to the breast shots and their a lot of them as the series progress. Characterization of everyone with more than five lines is outstanding compared to most of the clone animes right now. Non-episodic format, you really have to watch the series in order to understand what is going on. Especially when there seemingly no overall plot objective (right word???); like for example saving the world, graduating HS and etc.; present in the series at this moment. Closest anime I've seen to Airmaster is Natsuki Crisis in terms of fighting choreography, lack of still frames, and fairly realistic fighting styles barring the more outlandish stuff.
  15. He was one of the victims of the hack job of converting the manga into the movie. The manga version is a vastly better.
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