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Everything posted by Mislovrit

  1. Anthromorph fans tend to take offense to people calling anthromorphic porn beastiality. That aside I also agree with Exo.
  2. Don't expect to see anymore Appleseed except for a picture or two. I recall reading Shirow complaining he can no longer draw Deunan(sp) where the readers can recognize her without a label saying that's her. Plus he mentioned the ending for Book 4 made it difficult to continue the storyline without doing an alternative storyline like he've with Dominion.
  3. Ugh! You have got to be kidding. But you mention the dubbed version....is the sub different in tone? For the dubbed version I'm Not kidding about it as I have the legal VHS copies of it. This forum needs an "Ugh" smilie. The subbed version I've only seen the first epsiode of it back in 95, before Manga Entertainent bought the rights to it.
  4. A lot of his fans do apparently and his publishers aren't going to say anything as long as his stuff sales and he stays out of trouble. Btw that horsemen posterbook is an anthromorph/human porn not beastiality. Beastiality is if the horsemen are regular non-sentiant horses and a human.
  5. The "New" Dominion anime dubbed version is heavily pro-gun control.
  6. A7 by any chance you noticed the naming scheme used in Scrapped Princess?
  7. Easier said than done when there's no potential troll who gives everyone a piece of his mind and attitude whenever Eva is discussed.
  8. The reason for I'm interested in finding the answer of canonity is statements like this:
  9. I would almost agree with you if it wasn't for The Ambiguously Gay Duo aka Kou and four-eye friend.
  10. Thanks for the reply Anubis and I've been collecting the translated Eva comics since it's been release. Didn't Yoshiyuki Sadamoto started working on the manga roughly the same time the anime was started? I was wondering more on what level of approval (canon, official) did GAINAX rate the manga.
  11. Forgot to mentioned the entire unit never lost any men ala godmode. Shiro(SP) doesn't count as he was still alive and well when the series ended. Not mention Gundam Wing's transplanted pacifism interfering with the story.
  12. Would anyone know what is GAINAX stance toward the manga, is it canon, official, semi-official or glorified fanfic?
  13. Pretty good game... but the Arcade AVP game is the best game to ever carry the name of those franchises. Won't argue with that, though the Jaguar AVP does have the terror factor to it.
  14. By any chance you've played the AVP game for the Jaguar?
  15. Yep every martial arts movie with any kind of slo-mo effects made before or after the Matrix is a Matrix rip-off.
  16. Anyone else remembers the last time ADV tried doing mangas?
  17. Too bad the movie can't recreated the violent content of two player mode.
  18. Correct! The movie as a whole is over three hours long so they cut it in two 90 min movies. With many today's movies being around 2 and a half hours to over 4 hours without being cut and claiming a 3 1/2 hour is too long is just a excuse to make the audience pay twice to see the completed movie. Personnally Tarantino movies ain't worth paying full ticket price twice for one movie.
  19. His name is Guy Pearce.
  20. I also think Samurai Shodown is tolerable. My main gripe is Ukyo(sp) isn't in the show (ending credits don't count) and all of the white **** spraying out of everybody.
  21. With the execption of Blue Mary, all of Terry's loves have died.
  22. Which is technically illegal. The analogy would be "homeowner gives permission for friend(s), or stranger(s), to take a look around in the garage. Without said permission anyone entering the garage is criminally "trespassing and "breaking and entering" even if they don't take or destroy anything. Which is illegal for law enforcement agencies without a warrent to track and monitor what a person does in person, on the phone or online.
  23. Accrording to the Home Recording Act, of 1992 http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/ch10.html' target='_blank'> The RIAA is commiting extortion.
  24. From what I've hear, SDK doesn't go anywhere until the last four epsiodes, but by then you've probably lost any interest in the series long before that.
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