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Everything posted by Mislovrit

  1. In Bonaparte the driver is lying down with the gunner/commander seat placed somewhere around and above the driver midsection. Perfect place for Leona to kick Al everything he become slightly uncooperative.
  2. Is it just me or Motoko is in permament God-mode in MMI?
  3. Amuro is treated like a god by his fans.
  4. Those ships are troop transports not battlecruisers or even destroyers.
  5. It....it had Bruce Campbell in it. That's gotta count for something, right? LOL! I'm sure he really didn't want it to turn out that way. Still the movie was watchable until his character got killed.
  6. Why a baseball cap instead of feminine clothing?
  7. The big problem with the T2 ending is as long as John Conner lives, the future is still set in stone, thanks in part to "Daddy."
  8. Ugly ladies in cosplay outfits isn't exactly a bonus. <_< If the ladies were better looking...
  9. For a better list of errors and which ships weren't in the book go here.link
  10. Priss is more of a fire support person up unitl vol. 6 while Sylia and Linna are the close combat fighters.
  11. The comic and cartoon version is more realisticly proportioned in scale than the toy.
  12. I didn't say it very well, the tank crew pefer to be beyond maximum safe distance from the tanks during the run.
  13. This illo is in the first Intron Depot book along with a lot of other AppleSeed and Guges-ish suits illos.
  14. Supposely M1A2s, Leopard IIA5 and up, Challenger IIE can survived a srafing run (at least the frantal slope(right word?) from an A-10, but no tank crew in their right mind would want to be in the tanks during the run.
  15. Any luck finding other sources to verify what McBride said? I know people on other forums who are very skepitcal(sp) of a F-15 being shot down.
  16. Defeats the whole propose of the story and it too similar to what Trish Tredoux(sp) tried to do with the series when marketing the idea to the networks.
  17. Second shelf The girl with the baby on her back is Natsumi and the baby's name is Mirai from Mama is a Fourth Grader. Third shelf King Ghidorah
  18. Problem is the series didn't seem to have an immediate ending to it so wherever it ended would have been abrupt.
  19. Multiple? I don;t think any department surived that movie. My point exactly.
  20. Just how bad is Viz nowadays?
  21. Errr.... I never really been interested in GITS. Honestly, the movie sucked, it was way over hyped, and it seriously did not live up to it. The same thing could be said about Appleseed and Spriggan had I watched the movies first. Oshii being fixated on the Puppetmaster plot is most tedious to watch. <_< It sort of been common knowledge for a long time that the AppleSeed OVA is seriously lacking in multiple departments.
  22. They're close to the original manga's designs. Although Motoko's lingerie suit was exclusive to the video game. The White outfit was exclusive until GitS: SAC where Motoko wears a more PG-Rated modified version for several epsiodes. The characters personnalities(sp) and behavior in the cutscenes appear to be much like how they are in the manga.
  23. Coincidentally you've stumble upon the answer to why there's lesbian, naughtly tentacles, and beastiality hentai.
  24. Oddly enough many hentai artists stop doing hentai (at least temporary) when they start doing non-hentai work to be consider legitimate artists.
  25. Imho you're missing out, Black Magic M-66 is one of the best anime renditions of Shirow's mangas. Downside is Manga Entertainment have the rights to it.
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