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Everything posted by Mislovrit

  1. Is it just me or Gonzo apperantally forgotten about combined arm warfare as I haven't recall seeing any AFVs, AA systems, or even light infantry in Yukikaze.
  2. Low morale of the public at front and the frontline in spite of Washington's contant micromanagement. The NVA been fighting Americans since 1962 and the U.S troops knew all about what the NVA can do.
  3. Boening haves a bigger lobbying group and more money to buyout members of Congress and especially the Pentagon, and thus the inferior plane wins the contract.
  4. No, I don't, it was just a thought I had. I would type more, but my wife spilled tea on the keyboard, and the keys are sticking Careful with that thought as trolls sure to do like using that line of reasoning contracy to the facts, i.e most of the insurgants fighting now aren't Iraqis.
  5. You like being a troll don't you?
  6. The Russians and the rest of the Warsaw Pact had already had that plan in place during the Cold War.
  7. Problem is all those doves are raising hell over how many insurgants(sp) and the few civilians, the CoW forrces have been killed.
  8. I've seen the original Vanpire Hunter D along with a handful of anime dicussed(sp) on CNN Entertainment Review, and then there's Akira, and the Ghibli flicks...
  9. Guess I'm one of the few people here who actually likes Gaiking. Has anyone made a new Goldorak/Grandizer anime?
  10. Best to cleanse your mind of it by watching the "Happy Tree Friends" where
  11. Quiet you're giving them more ideas to screw the paying audience.
  12. Manhorses still look much better than bog standard human male otakus.
  13. From http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/systems/patriot.htm
  14. Read elsewhere the Patriot Missile Battery system haves no real problem it is manned. The friendly fire incident happened when the batteries were set on auto while crews were taking cover when they're being attacked by nearby Iraqi artillery.
  15. The fighters look a lot more like MiG-15s http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/wor...mig-15-pics.htm to me.
  16. Guess I'm the only one here who doesn't care for Macross Plus soundtrack. Prefer Macross 7 and Macross II soundtracks instead.
  17. Takes all the fun out of finding it.
  18. Anyone hear about this link
  19. Nevermind I found them. JB0, the link is in the Logistics Department.
  20. Thank you for the link.
  21. still single
  22. With threads like these, we get to learn how a Meltrandi ace private, um..... secures her privates. Care to do a couple of pics on how that might be accomphised?
  23. The girl on the pillow is nude, and apperantly the pic is suppose to be clean.
  24. The Puma Twins were made into harmless sacks of crap in the new version incapable of putting up a decent fight to save their own skins, much less someone else. The Charon(sp) murder scene with them watching pisses me to no end. I guess Shirow forgot Dominion Tank Police is a self-parody not an AppleSeed clone with tanks. Question to anyone who've seen the Japanese language version of New Dominion Tank Police, it that version so pro-control to where it appears Dianne Feinstein had ghost-written it?
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