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Everything posted by Mislovrit

  1. Has anyone seen Alex Ross' Terminator comics when he worked for NOW comics?
  2. Imho Turner's Superman and Batman looks positively gay.
  3. Like the Starwars Prequels, for instance? But with better acting than the SW prequels.
  4. Not...wearing...enough...leather.
  5. Not to mention the flying robots from Lupin the III and Miyazaki films.
  6. Imho it might have been better if it was full hardcore or the scenes the edited out.
  7. Look like "MegaForce" toys.
  8. One overlooked problem is the timing of the motor replacements when the money is needed elsewhere like the troops in Iraq. During peacetime this wouldn't even be a negative issue.
  9. As reporters go, James Dunnigan is a great game designer. Actually, I have lots of respect for the man, but he's clearly not going to let facts get in the way of a good story. Here's the environmental assessment report on the Propulsion Replacement Program (PRP). PDF format, 2.8 megs. As noted in the report, the motors must be replaced if the Minuteman force is to remain viable through 2020. The environmental stuff is incidental to the replacement program, and environmental considerations went into the design of the new motors to make them "more environmentally safe in production, operation, maintenance and disposal." As one commentor at the strategypage.com site notes, operation is likely to mean test-firing. Thus the environmental protections will help safeguard the health of Americans who live downwind of the missile sites, and near the production and disposal facilities. I don't know where Dunnigan got the info that the new motors will reduce the range of the Minuteman, but since they are fixed missiles with fixed targets, I don't see how it would matter operationally even if true. Also--how is this relevant to the F/A-22? How and when the Pentagon spends its money is very relevant to the F-22.
  10. ICBM and Pentagon spending related: EPA Approved ICBMs
  11. Indian nukes are roughly comparable(sp) to 1950s Americans nukes at best, hence very big and bulky and underpowered compare to modern nuclear weapons. Economic suicide for India to become hostile to the U.S. more so when they are more business friendly than China.
  12. I'm guessing you haven't seen pictures of the back of the model? The outfit Deunan is wearing is riding up her buttcrack.
  13. Reads no worse than the TokyoPop subbing.
  14. Imho the UN Spacy emblems are completely wasted when not placed on acombat aircraft.
  15. Found these so far on DS Coalition Aircraft Losses but information is scant on this subject. http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=171 http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Aug2000/n0...0_20008088.html
  16. Imho once UAVs become the main fighters, expect to see a lot of Spec-ops targetting the techs and the command facilities running and monitoring the UAVs.
  17. As long as Musharraf is alive and in charge Pakistan will continue to be an U.S. ally. But once he gone better expect to see CoW forces fighting Pakistani islamic milliants inside Pakistan. India along with Russia and the U.S. have will partnering up to keep China in check. Especially when China is eyeballing most of it's neighbor's real estate including Russia and India.
  18. All things considered India is a very stable ally for the USA unlike Pakistan who's currently an tenous(sp) ally under serious duress by both the U.S. and Islamic milliants.
  19. F-14s are supposed to chase down cruise missiles for example like the Exocet, Silkworm, Tomahawk, NOT ballistic missiles like ICBMs.
  20. Despite the silliness already posted to this subject, yes prop fighters and prop bombers can be built much better than their WWII counterparts. On the other hand what they limited in the roles they can do.
  21. India is an U.S. ally especially in regards to containing China ambitions in the region.
  22. Well, the creator wanted the Jam to remain completely mysterious and fighting them man to man tends to destroy that aura. No need for the grunts to fight "man to man." More beliveable having soldiers and anti-aircraft vehicles [in the background] taking at least pot shots at the JAM fighters regardless of whether they're cannon fodder or Death Incarnate for the JAM.
  23. Links to information on the Korean F-X competition. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/rok/fx-rok.htm http://www.aviationnow.com/content/publica...020415/aw48.htm http://homepage.tinet.ie/~steven/skorea_f15k.htm
  24. No need to believe Bush when it's the CoW troops and the Iraqis been the ones reporting the nationality of the insurgants. Plus even the liberal media agencies such as ABC, CBS, BBC, Reutars(sp) also been reporting it as well.
  25. Might want to see this. Air Force allowed Boeing to rewrite terms of tanker contract, documents show
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