I thought the F-14s were hanger queens because of the lack of spares and the age of the airframe? Anyone have information on the F-14a maintence(sp) back when they were brand new?
Crap got the desginations mixed up.
Iirc McNamera killed the A-12, Cheney killed the resurrection of the SR-71 over objections by the USAF.
Why have F-22s when the F-35 is supposed to replace everything?
The military is lacking everything right now. hell there isn't even enough specialty schools(right name??) to train recruits and personnal higher skills for their assignments whether it's officier to flight training.
Example of the stae of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex Ammo Follies
US asks private sector to ease bullet shortage
How is it lame when Shran pretty much been tailing Archer for roughly a season now. Has every here forgoten the epsiode where Shran been ordered to take the weapon prototype after helping Archer capture?
Finding the all of backers, supporters and the suicidals requires huge amounts of human intelligence which is the CIA and the Special Forces job. The tanks and bombers aren't very effective in this role.
All the more reasons to target their backers, supporters and logistics. The suicidals are very harmless when they no wheels, money, weapons and explosives.
One thing which is very bad about the U.S. procurement process is upgrading older equipment (aircraft, AFVs, APC and etc.) is considered a huge threat for everything new in development and those just entering production. Even upgrade kits only just for foreign buyers is a big no-no.
A buttload of fighters, bombers, tanks, soldiers and everything else to keep everyone friend and foe alike from even thinking of crossing swords with the U.S.A. Not to mentioned history have shown repeatedly how costly it is for the U.S. to build a military from scratch.
Think of it as a "three fot one" for why the Bsimark sunk.
On the subject of lack of armor on modern ships, I recalled reading during the Falkland War, where an Argentinian frigate was heavily swisscheese by British soldiers using MGs, AT weapons, mortars and sniper rifles (targetting the bridge crew).
But it's not stealthy and thus it is ****ly aircraft.
^ I always ****ing that line of reasoning and yet the hypocrites also despise the YF-23 and the A-12 for not being a dogfighter.
I thought the Navy was interested in the YF-23 as the NATF contender?
I wonder how Project Super Nova would have gone if the beuracrats decided to interfear. The UN Spacy would probably be stuck with a "Super Thunderbolt".
Going by the U.S. standard, UN Spacy will still be flying Super Strike VF-1Xs and Super VF-4 Lightning IIIs.
Other than the first two or three epsiodes, it is pretty tame next to Aika and Najica, and far less violent. If it wasn't for the nudity (almost every ep.) and some of the adult situations, it could almost be an older kid show.
Has anyone seen the original Japanese version of New Dominion Tank Police? I like to know if it is as blatantly anti-gun like the dub is before wasting my money on it.
Iirc rednecks actually can grasp the concept of aiming.
At least you aren't given the "Only Steers and ****** lived in Texas" greeting when introducing yourself in another state.
Mislovrit, I began a response to your post, with examples in support of my points, but first I have to ask--is this directed at me, or at Wings of Honneamise?
"The scale of naivety is sickening." is direct at WoH, not you.
Depending on the tech level of the nukes, their yield can be in the mid-megatons to low gigatons. Other words no worse than a couple of volcanos erupting at once.
Hugely overgeneralizing on their part. Sure as hell ain't approving it either. Which field of technology(ies) he sees of being very bad. Cause it seems to me he's see almost all technological advancement as evil. Loves contradicting himself. What positive example? Contracy to popular believe "technological progress" is the best thing for humanity, barring the little problem of low reproductive rates amongst educated First Worlders. What the hell is wrong with modernity? The scale of naivety is sickening.
For those of you who seen the last epsiode of Mospeada, just many nukes were launch and what was their yield per missile?
F-ZeroOne to many Japanese (well the animation directors) technology in all of it's myriad forms and humans are the Ultimate Evil to the planet not just nukes.
Given the hazards of collecting space junk, it is not practical, safe nor is it economical to use humans for the job from a western First World standpoint. iirc anybody who can send a manned or unmanned rocket to space on their own.