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Everything posted by Mislovrit

  1. Still waste of good necro-bait.
  2. Might be better to post a link to it instead it where everyone will when clicking on this thread.
  3. Shin as long the legacy and the disciples of McNamara and Kissinger remains inor near power each new Navy [and to a lesser extent the USAF] fighter will be worse than it's precedessor. Only when the enough Navy brass and pilots decides to fall on their own swords rather then accept the new fighter would anything improve.
  4. Mission and mobility killing M1A1/2s isn't all too hard especially if you don't mind dying in the process. Killing the M1A1/2s crews (while they're in the tanks) on the other hand is very difficult to do, even taking into account Golden BBs. It more to the quality of the crew then the gun especially even the British Army is now switching over to smoothbores.
  5. Fraid not, though the article does suffer from faultly logic regarding the radioactive aspect of DU.
  6. Links pleace hopefully not from an anti-DU source?
  7. How do you get rad sickness from something which is less radioactive than sunlight and table salt? If anything more likely they ingested or inhaled DU particles which is undisputably toxic like other heavy metals like lead and tungsten. Heard and read just everything about it for 12 years and counting.
  8. What health hazards iirc only people who suffer from DU poisoning are those who were on the recieving end of cannon burst? The tungsten alloy rounds are probably going to be just as toxic as DU but going several times more expensive. Wasn't the A-10s been sold to the Saudi and Kuwaiti Air Forces post-ODS?
  9. They were on WWF after a month or two after royally pissing off the ECW fans and before that the WCW fans. Iirc they were in WWF for like two weeks and one PPV which everybody hated them for every second of it.
  10. I've stoped watching WWE/F about a year before that heppened and basicly I didn't miss anything. Iirc Public Enemy got the boot and the boos faster and louder than Buff during their stay.
  11. I miss that, what happened?
  12. There's still WCW rejects working for WWE aside from Benoit, Eddie and Booker T? Thought they were all fired, resigned or dead and this is coming from a WCW fan (me).
  13. Attack drones is a grey area with who should have control over them USAF or the U.S. Army.
  14. It is still the best attack copter in service and the U.S. Army isn't going back to Cobras it had long ago pawned off to the Marines. They wouldn't have fare any better if they were sent on that attack run that was posted earlier. The mission was a *&^-up not the pilots or their Longbows. After the experience in DS they should have it. Iirc Longbows use FLIR instead of RADAR to targets infantrymen.
  15. I don't recalled the Longbows being in service yet when OJC happened..
  16. I really hope you are talking about the New Adventures of Jonny Quest. The original was pretty good, even if it does seem cheesy by today's standards. Thinking it over, of the original JQ I just really hated the character Johnny Quest and his turban wearing friend.
  17. I heard about this roughly a year ago, mainly due to the Russian and Ukrainian involvement in it.
  18. In no order The Get-Along Gang Hong Kong Phooey Yogi Bear Jonny Quest Pound Puppies Kidd Video The Pac-Man Show Police Academy Turbo Teen Jetsons
  19. What's wrong with 10% fanservice? 90 to 100% of it would be full male frontal nudity.
  20. Compared to Mahoromatic, both Teacher and Twins are fairly tame. Though in Twins almost epsiode have the girls bathing with steam/fog covering up the essentials, don't know if the DVDs have the fog removed..?
  21. You scored 15 out of 17. You are either on the board at Pfizer, or an Autobot.
  22. Found this page on the F-2 which outline the problems the program faced in development. link Given Japan have been expanding their military instead of drasticly downsizing it for the past 30 years, it would indeed be very repectable. Nothing's wrong with armed pasifism, as it keeps the neighbors from misbehaving toward them. Imho I prefer the Japanese in that state of mind instead of them postal. Though how the Japanese Government and the people treats the service men (JSDF and U.S.) defending them needs to be corrected ASAP. Blame McAuthur and Truman for not forcing the people to ante and admit to the crime they've commited like the Germans did.
  23. Odd with Bastard! and the JoJo OVA being licenced and they're from the same studio which made the three you've mentioned.
  24. Low birthrates or Otakus?
  25. For additional information on the B-25 Mitchell you may want to look here. http://www.vectorsite.net/avb25.html
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