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Everything posted by Mislovrit

  1. Something the losing side would say. Why only the dead? Especially when the living veterans (wounded or not) themselves can do a far better job showing why war sucks. I've lost distant relatives in WWII so I have a basic understanding what it's like to lose someone. It's a two-way street, worrying about the other side only goes so far if they worry about you and civilians too. Case in point the insurganies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Phillipines and eleswhere.
  2. Overgeneralizing a bit aren't you? Not to mention it reads awfully like the rhetoric the peaceniks were saying during Vietnam. I'm surprise nobody mentioned what the Japanese did to the Koreans, Vietnamese, Thai, Burmese, and etc. in addition to atrocities commited to the Chinese.
  3. Post bordering on the "No Politics" rule
  4. Please do some research before badmouthing a contributing ally (government and military). By all means rail on the half of the civilian population which rather to do nothing as it would conflict with their pacifistic belief. Japan's contributions Japan Extends Iraq Mission Up to a Year Japan's main ASDF unit arrives in Kuwait on Iraq mission On the subject of Libya's Muammar Gaddafi
  5. Iirc India is only looking at F-16s to force Dassault to sell them either the Mirage 2000s or the Rafales at a much lower price.
  6. Anyone have picture of the N/AW A-10?
  7. How does the Riding Bean OVA Rally fit into the equation?
  8. I'm surprised nobody mentioned the Swamp Thing movies.
  9. Not sure what mean by interceptors is it AAA, UAVs or conventional interceptor fighters? Usually something have to go wrong if the U.S. Army and the USMC ground forces have to defend themselves from hostile enemy fighters.
  10. AH-64s, Apache Longbows, AH-1Zs and Kiowa Warriors can use the sidewinders in case an hostile fighter or helo tries to engage them. Through it is preferable to use ATGMs instead when dealing with enemy helos. VF19 which Mi-24/35 you're using in the vs.?
  11. Bankruptcy is a problem for another day and secondary to winning the war in the first place.
  12. I am referring to the brass. No argument about the brass and Rumsfield, but please try to specify the servicemen and women or the brass as their viewpoints can diverge immensely depending on the subject.
  13. With whom he is unpopular with? Much of the uniformed military, nearly all the Democrats, and many prominent Congressional Republicans. (But he remains popular with jingoistic yahoos.) Odd where did you read the he was unpopular with uniformed military? Going by the milblogs it appears he's quite popular with the uniformed grunts if not with the brass.
  14. With whom he is unpopular with? Bush have already stated he's backing Rumsfield instead of his critics.
  15. Bad ending: Senkaiden Houshin Engi
  16. Blame Studio Proteus, iirc Dark Horse is more than willing to accommodate manga creators on how they like to see their creations published in the States.
  17. Can't be that bad as it was in service for 30 years guarding Siberia. The Fiddler is a derivative of the Tu-98 bomber. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/wor...ssia/tu-128.htm
  18. Would have been nice if you gave information to where excatly the pic is.
  19. Preaching to the choir here.
  20. Marvel could sue Pixar as many of the superheros in the movie if not all of them are based on a comicbook superhero. However Pixar can argue that the Incredibles is something of a homage slash parody movie of the genre.
  21. Anyone interested in Rumble Roses game trailers may want to go here. http://www.konamityo.co.jp/rumbleroses/HTML/06_movie.html and http://www.gametrailers.com/vault-r4.html
  22. Minivans don't have much passenger (children and/or adults) and cargo capability as in contruction materials, equipment, heavy furniture, deerblinds and etc. Just check there is no 4 ton Excursions just 3/4 and 1 tons. Iirc anything 1.5 ton and larger are usually commerical trucks and big-rigs. Why the **** would anyone want a crappy faux HUMVEE?
  23. As 1 to 4 of those kids can be the child's friends, teammates, classmates, cousins and etc. going to and from social functions, Lead by example.
  24. All but useless unless you're willing to turned everything between the Westcoast and New England into one giant Wind or solar farm. Not enough usable rivers and too easy to seriously damage the surrounding environment. ? Best feasible solution.
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