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Everything posted by Slammer

  1. Dare- Stan Bush for incoming calls and The Touch for text messages though in december Dare gets swapped out temporarily for Jingle Bombs.
  2. hotdamn! gimme a preorder possibility already damnit! sides, I get the feeling this isn`t the only VF-11 release we`ll see what with the M7 style escape pod cockpit... hmmn... I could go for a low viz VF-11 or perhaps one in VF-84 colors?(Jolly Rogers people, Jolly Rogers.)
  3. okay, call me oldfashioned but I`d like a 1/3000 Quarter but with the condition that we get a reissued SDF-1 to sit next to it. I know I could use one...and they could recolor it to give us SDF-4 Global.
  4. well obviously our wallets will be plundered...
  5. sweet! and ulp, is that a price on the card for the weathered Tomahawk?cause if it is...YIKE!
  6. hmmn...guess I got superlucky last saturday as I found an Aoshima AFC-01H Legioss for the small price of 56 euro`s MISB at the FACTS convention and after opening it it seems to be just fine.
  7. could just be the prototype paintjob...
  8. hmmn.... perhaps Candy, Cherry and Sunny. sending them out command could be "go make your pimpdaddy proud!"
  9. *looks a bit further in photobucket links*CMs Houquet too! whooo! http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa311/E...008_0803_10.jpg
  10. don`t qoute me on the removable combat armor though it seems logical if they bothered to put cloth on there in the first place.and yea, Sue`s the pilot of the Shadow Alpha/ Dark Legioss in the New Generation portion of Robotech. and I know I should at least watch SDFM, SC and Mospeada in japanese but I haven`t gotten around to it... so much to watch, so little time...
  11. dangit! oh well, but I kinda like Sue Graham better. and yes, I`m aware that`s her Robotech name, I haven`t seen Mospeada pure yet.
  12. cloth?could this mean...the combat armor is also removable and they give you the option to put their normal clothing on?if so, it might be an idea to recast the heads and use extra bodies to display them in armored up and regular clothed.
  13. hah, FAST packs would be the least of your worries I`d say... try rerouting the fuel from say the wings to the legs in battroid mode, that`ll be a HELL of a fluidline mess, if at all possible. let`s face it gang, the fancy engines of the VF-1 are still fictional powerplants and a conventional jetengine would guzzle jetfuel by the gallons keeping it airborne, let alone provide the energy needed to undergo mechamorphosis....and let`s not even begin on the airframe stress from rapid deceleration in mechamorphosis. going from nigh the speed of sound to practicly nothing(hover) in less then a minute would probably tear an airframe apart at the seams I`d wager.
  14. got mine in today, what a kickass bird!no problems whatsoever.
  15. wouldn`t it be cruel cruel irony if they took the Toynami molds and tweaked them to hold together better....
  16. well... I kinda figured the DYRL 1S Hikaru wouldn`t take too long...I mean, you could make one yourself with only minor work and an extra 1A/1S. heads are swappable due to the forward fuselage gimmick afterall.
  17. SWEET lineup! now where`s my danged AV-49 Silver Axe? and just to play a bit of devil's advocate here...we know Toynami`s releasing the reissued 1/55`s in the US right?what if for this deal to have happened they turned over their VF-1 molds? valkyrie AND weaponry?I mean, it`d save Bandai/Tamashii a LOT of R&D costs and give them a viable basis to expand the series on while cutting riskfactors for Toynami`s QC on them.and while I KNOW a lot of people don`t like Toynami's VF-1 offerings at all...I think the 1/100's are pretty decent little valks for a small price.
  18. for those who have the new 1/60 VF-1, can it hold the old 1/60 VF-1`s gunpod if the current one is too small?
  19. unlikely I got fixed ones, I`ve had these since they were released.and I swear on my first 1/60 VF-1S untimely grave(V.1 edition) that ALL of them are just fine....why would I keep buying them if they failed on me?I`m not THAT much of a valkhoholic....
  20. sucks Peyoro but I think you might just have had a defective one. all six of my 1/100 VF-1`s are all fine still.and I don`t recall a large ammount of cracked shoulders on them reported either...but...I could just be lucky I suppose.
  21. looking good dude! reminds me to get to work on my low-vis 1J.
  22. has it got plugholes in the back of the arms and legs?yes?then it`s compatible even my wave 1 valks have those and they ARE super/strike pack ready.
  23. yesssss!uh, would anyone find me blasphemous if I said I wanted to "destroy" a second VF-1D?cause I SO want to make one wrecked without the forward fuselage... dead zentreadi soldier clinging to the leg...
  24. if that`s a brace for a VF-1 cockpit/nose assembly....where are my "magic hands" manipulators?
  25. well poo...we paying for a buttload of hands now?!*wonders if hands can`t be redesigned to have posability as aftermarket option*
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