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Everything posted by Slammer

  1. hey guys, think I`d be able to get one of the fuselage panels on a 1/60 YF-21 replaced?I got a deal on one with a small piece broken off and reglued but if possible I`d like to replace the panel.
  2. hahaa!and here I was thinking of getting the F-14 as a benchmark to make a VF-0S and customize a few joes as Roy and Shin...
  3. though I wonder how long it`ll take before we see a 1/18th scale F-14 Shin colorscheme repaint.
  4. yeah! just add an Ace figure and you`re set to go!
  5. 1/18...isn`t that the same scale as G.I.Joe figures?
  6. overall, I liked the movie but a few things did bug me...like, since when is Maverick asian? no offense meant to asians but Mav`s allways been a big caucasion guy in thick armor. even without the armor, I`d still expect a big white dude with a buttload of guns.and yeah, Deadpool blew. the merc with a mouth without one...were they intentionally peeing on him or something?
  7. Slammer

    Graham's Sig

    monster shuttle?!? I thought the vaporware 1/60 Monster was the old M.A.C. II and not the VB-6? but if we DO get that mofo...I want crew and at LEAST some support vehicles...like those carts Roy and Hikaru used to get to their jets in a hurry with their squads.
  8. you know, something occured to me while at work...if Dynamite is indeed fair game for Yamato, I think we`ll see the VT-1C Basara used and as a repaint the one of Maria...
  9. and I`m getting a VT-1/VF-1D vibe off the Bird Pray 19... but... if we get Gamlin, could a massive retool of the 19 mold be in the works for Basara?
  10. HLJ has the preorder up for them for July...
  11. hate? hardly....I`ve got three 1/48's right now with a fourth on the way(HLJ`s Low Viz II with armor parts deal is just TOO sweet. ) but for a coherent airfleet I prefer the 1/60 V.2's and will be slowly replacing my old V.1's over the year...well, once they announce Max and Miria`s VF-1J`s in the new model that is.
  12. hmmn... it HAS been unusually cold here lately for the time of year...aw sh!t, I`m in hell and it froze over didn`t it?
  13. got my CMs Riding Figure set in and got my Matchbox Invid Shocktrooper out of storage (and dusted it of course.) seeing as the CMs figures are G.I.Joe scaled and the matchbox toys were aswell, I figured I`d make this picture. (pardon the background, not that photoshop savvy) now THIS is why I got all the CMs ridearmors, instant available enemies.
  14. yeah, we dutch also have to try and circumvent the customs too...but the VF-11 WILL be mine...probably two.
  15. making a low viz 11 is easy, just repaint the orange parts a diferent shade of gray.
  16. HLJ has the Early Bird for the armored Ozma! VF-25S Armored @ HLJ
  17. hmmn, don`t know if anyone has noticed this but HLJ has pictures up of the Drone Legioss.Drone Legioss
  18. saved! thaks for the pic man, it looks awesome!
  19. oh, I`m buying this baby...I don`t suppose it comes with working antigrav units so it can fly ITSELF to my home does it? cause while I can easily come up with the cash(got a goodpaying job), I`m affraid the taxes will butcher me.
  20. holy slag! I knew there was a reason I woke up and felt an urge to come online today!
  21. sweet! due to the color issue of the Aoshima Legioss I was going to skip the first Beta but now... I`ll just get the Aoshima Thread.
  22. oh whoo, an android.while cool he was able to make something newsworthy in a basement of all places, I`m somehow getting the feeling this is about as far as it`ll get before SOMEONE out there interferes...be it goverment, businesses or religious reasons. and sex with her? yeah, that`ll be fun.don`t forget to wash her out after you`re done.
  23. as I hear it it`s a 50-50 situation. some are good(mine) some are bad.
  24. well, I am going to pick one up but for a slightly diferent reason...I wanna make an Evil Jetfire and I figured a scapped Jetfire head plus an Origins VF-1A would get me there...
  25. nice pics but what does it say? Babelfish only gives me gibberish
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