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Everything posted by Slammer

  1. oh brother! too many damned Shield Ligers! give it a break already! I still have one unbuilt HMM for christ sake!
  2. perhaps he ordered it and is waiting for delivery?
  3. arrgh! I gotta wait till the thursday at the earliest to play....
  4. or just format an external HD to FAT32 and plug it in a USB port...
  5. y'know, this might actually be a GOOD thing...afterall, them killing OFF the villains in the Spidey movies naturally excluded the sinister six from happening, maybe this time around they just get locked up to return at a later date.
  6. shame about him but I`m sure Whoopi Goldberg`s not happy..., I mean, now she`s got him hanging around 24/7.
  7. oh hell yeah!
  8. heh... guess in the end it seems only CMs went through with the lot of them....shame but at least I got all five of the main anime ridearmors(yes, I`m counting Shinobu/Sue) and two loose guys...
  9. uh, if it has an S type head, wouldn`t it LOOK like a VF-1S then?
  10. transformer collectors have GPS to worry about...NOT funny when your minty G2 Electro crumbles in front of you....
  11. okay, took my Gamlin out and noticed one of the rear landinggear baydoors is LOOSE! I mean, bump the desk and see it jiggle loose here....but my wings are fine... :-P
  12. got mine today aswell. oh so sweet. :-D
  13. yesssss..... Gamlin took off from Overdrive`s warehouse, now I play the waiting game.
  14. sweeet....now file Gamlin`s flightplan to amsterdam already Overdrive!
  15. dunno about Logos but I read it in the newsletter...and it`s good news for me, I`ve got Gamlin on preorder and I`m jonesing for a new valk.
  16. permission?!?I don`t need permission!I mean, I got Fort Max, plans to get his two brothers and this would scare me?hell no! bring on the 1/2000! give me something for Max to contend with!
  17. I say keep it at 1/2000. I like the scale and it`d give Fortress Maximus a run for "Biggest transforming toy". Max is cool and all and let`s face it, this SDF-1 is NOT intended as a child`s toy.
  18. funny thing is, he`s NAMED after one of the deluxe Insecticons from G1, Ransack.
  19. LOL! what a fitting idenification number he has, 112 AKA the dutch emergency line(think 911)
  20. nice! and for those whining that a 1/18 Legios would be TOO big...the thing`s barely smaller then a Skyhawk and that`s no enormous fighter either.
  21. okay, didn`t know that. my bad.
  22. that would be assuming the new Isamu sculpt can fit inside the 19. that`s an issue too.
  23. I`m going to get it for the 360. I`d like to get into it again as I had a taste of COH but couldn`t run it anywhere NEAR decent speeds due to a sucky computer(which I still haven`t upgraded...)
  24. me, I`d love to see Empowered as a live action movie. I mean, a hot superheroine getting stripped on a regular basis with loads of funny ass injokes on the whole superhero schtick....
  25. looks nice!...but I`m guessing Tamashii exclusive?
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