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Everything posted by Slammer

  1. nice trailer. this had me going from "GAH! they twilighted the fart out of the X-Men!" to "whoa, timeperiod accurate as far as I can see AND the original SR-71 where the Blackbird name for the X-Jets came from? awesome!" and it looks like at least part of the movie will be taking the first comic mission up, Magento`s attack....
  2. whoa... Catwoman alone wasn`t enough trouble for Bats? but Bane of all villains... damn...
  3. seen it in the cinema last saturday and it`s quite fun to watch actually... yes, it`s now more campy then Batman but it kinda fits... where Batman went serious, Green Hornet went funny... if they were to redo Batman as campy again, I`d half expect Green Hornet to go serious again... I feel like they are two sides of the same coin, the ying to eachothers yang... so the Green Hornet sa campy while Bats is gritty? sounds about right to me...
  4. does this answer your question?
  5. so... should I start taking motorcycle drivinglessons yet? looks amazing. I wonder what kind of budgetthis has and if it`ll get a dvd release with at least english subtitles...(seems a malaysian movie...if I guesstimate the youtube comments correctly)
  6. played some, redeemed my codes and ran around with a flaming head.
  7. got the text message my legendary edition can be picked up so I`ll be on Reach tonight after work.
  8. wow, when`s this going into production? cause I SO need to get my motor drivers liscence if they do... real life ride armor (yes I KNOW it's fanmade, let me have my fantasy )
  9. HA! freaking funny clip that... hope I find some good stuff on vacation in greece....but regardless, I will come home to some sweet TF`s anyway.
  10. ehh, suppose we should be greatful they (so far) haven't tapped into Fuzors....that adds LOADS new HMM Zero kits....
  11. indeed the HMM Liger Zero looks great but you KNOW they`ll milk the crap out of it with each armor....
  12. perhaps they`ll add some later as DLC but for the main game it won`t be a multiplayer event. something to do with the vast quantities of data required with such a HUGE open area and random chaotic elements such as actual human beings playing IIRC...
  13. Okay, sorry for the thread necromancy but today it was revealed that Firefight mode WILL return for Reach in a short version and the original setup and that yes, there WILL be public lobbies for it. can this Halo get much better?
  14. here it is. picture thanks to Zoidspoison
  15. no, the white one is standard. the BLUE one is the HAKW AKA Heavy Arms Konig Wolf and comes with the CP`s.... I wish I had gotten one... oh well... (edit for spelling. serves me right for posting at 1 AM after a twelve hour shift)
  16. I had lots of fun though me and my friends are great Juggies... plus I got a badass triple kill on a game of SWAT. three reds dead in thirteen seconds...
  17. that Yammie Liger looks kinda big...
  18. heh, managed to get up to corporal first grade on the beta what with work, sleep and some projects getting in the way.... shame it has to end for now.
  19. definite pass for me. Revoltech hasn`t blown me away as much as I thought it would upon hearing reviews, why would a revoltech zoid do what labors failed?
  20. whoo, first vehicle kill in The boneyard scored! apperantly I ran someone`s ass down in a Ghost....
  21. I`d just want the challenge of standing against the waves of enemies with two of my friends at my side... and yes, we are pretty good, we usually on a lazy day score around 200 kills per person.
  22. yeah, I`m in it. only got two matches down (which I both lost) but it handles well... any idea if ODST`s Firefight mode will return?
  23. I`m in total agreement on those zoids Ambient73. the Shield Liger... yeah, I liked what the HMM version did to the original but due to circumstances I got TWO shield ligers and a Shield Liger MK II that I`m finishing up. in fact, and this is not meant in a negative way, screw all liger types for a while! where`s my Gojulas? where`s a nice HMM Helcat? or a kickass Gustav? preferably Moonbey`s. I mean, we got the other two of that little band, Van, Fiona and their Blade Liger and Irvine with his Command Wolf... finish the team and then do Bit`s team. I mean, they`ve got Naomi and with a little bit of work Leena...
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