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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Unless Sony's in a hurry to dump the old generation PS2s, I don't see a need for them to drop it to $99.99. The PS2 can play DVDs, unlike the GameCube. I can't see Sony not charging a premium for that feature.
  2. They dropped the price on Tenchu 3 already, I think it's either $29.99 or $39.99 at Best Buy. Awesome game, even comes with a 2-player mode (co-op and deathmatch) which apparently won't be included in the new game. 3 definitely lives up to be a worthy successor to the original, unlike the 2nd game.
  3. I wonder where his other hand is...
  4. He was doing a marathon campaign traveling up and down the state, all that stress is bound to take a toll on the body. The guy's also old now, if he's still huge and ripped, that'd be downright freaky. If anything, he's bigger than these 2 guys (and most of us):
  5. You might have missed a follow-up post to the one you quoted. He meant it as a joke as he clearly misspelled "intelligent".
  6. Wow, looks like he's fighting a lot of monsters from Japanese folklore. One of the screenshots shows him fighting a humanoid turtle, a popular monster Japanese parents use to warn their kids to not swim in rivers. Edit in: There is, of course, sequel to Samurai, made by Acquire, the developer that came up with the first two Tenchu games: Samurai 2 homepage
  7. Back in the eary 1990s they made quality SW games like Xwing and TIE Fighter. Ever since the crapfest known as Rebel Assault came out, quality of their SW games have generally been average at best.
  8. Life in the 'bu is hardcore, yo!
  9. New screen shots from Tenchu Kurenai have been released:
  10. News article link Interesting how they referred to Star Wars Galaxies as critically acclaimed and popular with gamers... definitely not the case based on what I've read here. Looks like the game company that George built can't hack it without using the two magic words in their game titles these days.
  11. I personally didn't like the Gerbera Tetra Kai too much. It took away all that was good about the design of Mika Akitaka (who also designed the Gelgoog Marine) and replaced them with Katoki's trademark blockiness. Notice how the legs were shortened and fattened? All the sexy curves were gone too. The gun also doesn't look as sleek as the original design. Katoki basically took a Porsche design and Volvo-lized it!
  12. What you get with GFF #0010 is the Gerbera Tetra Kai, not the original Gerbera Tetra seen in 0083. You really can't talk about being anime accurate when the Kai never appeared in any anime. Original Gerbera Tetra from 0083 Gebera Tetra Kai from one of Hobby Japan's Gundam Weapons special issues
  13. Bang yer head 'til it bleeds!
  14. Stretchy arms, legs, and body. GMs beware.
  15. We may not have a choice. according to DarkHorizons.com today, The Rock was Arnie's first pick for an "actor" to continue the franchise in his absence. <_< Not surprised, as they were friends (which is why Ahnuld did the cameo in The Rundown). Did anyone catch The Rock on Letterman a few days before that movie opened? He did a great impression of Arnold's accent.
  16. O'Brien is still available.
  17. The real question now is... WILL HE BE IN TERMINATOR 4?! B)
  18. I'm Detective John Kimball...I'm a cop you idiot!! I'm gonna ask you a bunch of questions, and I want them answered immediately. First, I'd like to just get to know you.
  19. Okay... this seriously blows. I ordered a bunch because several of you PMed me and promised to buy it, but so far only Fulcy seem to be good for his words, as I haven't heard back from anyone else honoring their pre-order. If I ever manage to dig up the old PMs, I'll be sure to add the names of the deadbeats to the MW non-straight shooter list.
  20. Yes and no. Like the Knight Gundam toy from the 1/100 DX series, the Command Gundam originally appeared in SD form. Its first appearance was in SD Gundam G-Arms, and Bandai "normalized" the design and made a 1/100 scale DX toy out of it.
  21. Your best bet are online auctions, but these don't come cheap - the last time I saw one on eBay, the seller wanted a few hundred bucks for it. This is what the unmodified original looks like:
  22. I have a few of the red and white version of the MG RGM-79C used as a base kit for the Powered GM conversion available if you are looking for one to go with the conversion kit.
  23. Thanks. How do I get to the old board?
  24. Hey guys, Before the MW server moved, there was a thread in this section about the Powered GM conversion kit and some of you PMed me expressing interest in getting this conversion kit for the MG RGM-79C. I have just received the conversion kit, but unfortunately I've lost the PMs due to the server move. Please PM me if you want to secure yours - quantity is very limited.
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