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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. The "epilogue" seen in the critics screening was re-edited prior to wide release so it was shown before the credits rolled. The scene in question is where Bill reveals the fate of The Bride's child, so you did not miss it. Because she wasn't in the movie. Sofie Fatale is played by Julie Dreyfus, a French who's actually fluent in Japanese. He's the bald guy wearing the Kato mask, leader of the Crazy 88s. He'll return as a different character in Vol. 2. Hattori Hanzo, who appears in all the Samurai Shodown games, is named after a legendary ninja.
  2. The High Mobility Zaku series - these are just the tip of this rocking iceberg: RP Elliot Lem's prototype standard R-1 production type Shin Matsunaga R-1 custom Black Tri-Stars R-1A custom Eric Mansfield R-1A custom Masaya Nakagawa R-1A custom Johnny Ridden R-2 custom Robert Gilliam R-2 custom Elliot Lem R-2P custom
  3. Oops, she slipped my mind when I was listing the poll options. Definitely an icon that deserves her spot up there.
  4. I was not the one that put the "cus she's hot" after "Selene from Underworld". Others did. When I started this poll, I was struggling to come up with 10 choices, or 9 + "other". You can see my half-assed attempt to fill the slots by using actual actress names instead of well recognized characters like the first section of the list. I try to steer away from the "damsel in distress" type of female leads and stick with the ones who can actually take care of themselves and take charge while they're at it (thus my reason for not including Princess Leia in the list - she's got the right attitude but not the goods to back it up). As you can see, even Trinity doesn't technically fit the bill, as she needs Neo to bail her out on at least one occassion. While there are strong women in cinema, by restricting the genre to action films, I think women have a long way to go. For every Ripley, we have at least a dozen male equivalent out there blowing stuff up and having all the asskicking fun.
  5. Yup. I'm interested to see where there going with it. It's no Star Wars prequel or anything, tho. You made it sound like it's a bad thing.
  6. He starts his day by working out for a full hour, even on the day after the recall election and the ensuing celebration. Now that's dedication and discipline.
  7. I thought about putting Jodie Foster's Clarice Starling in the list, but decided not to since The Silence of the Lambs wasn't exactly an action movie, even though she did carry the movie. Foxy Cleopatra... what did she do action-wise other than posing with a gun? I think Sistah Girl and White She Devil from Undercover Brother did more action scenes than she did.
  8. Overrated anime. Saw it in a THX theater, was still unimpressed. One of those rare anime that's more well-received in the west than in the east.
  9. Here's an interesting tidbit on one of those famous lines from Aliens: Link
  10. I know this list is far from complete, but since they only allow 10 choices, what came to mind got up first...
  11. Maiden was huge in the mid-1980s, same time Macross was popular. Start a Maiden thread... I'll be there. UP THE IRONS!
  12. That's a bogus rumor. That particular section was written to be shot in B&W in the script. So far no one has reported seeing that section in color from any country. Check IMDB, there isn't a single entry in the "alternate version" section.
  13. Welcome to last week. You must have missed THIS thread I was gonna buy one until I realized how much they are charging for an item that scales at under 2 lbs. Typical HLJ... <_<
  14. "The horror. THE HORROR."
  15. I think there's some dialog later that implies the Haro became a mass produced toy for kids after the One Year War, and the toy features actual lines the original Haro would utter.
  16. Daryl Hannah will have a swordfight against Uma in volume 2. This volume 1 and 2 business is all based on part of Miramax's greed. Quentin had a 4-hour cut and wasn't willing to cut it down any further. Instead of releasing the film as-is, the greedy fat $%*#s at Miramax decided to split it into halves and make twice the money instead. If the "intentionally choppy edits" you refer to are the red dots on a empty, white screen that may flash a few times througout the film (I didn't notice them when I saw it but many reported being annoyed by these interruptions when they saw the film), it's a tracking devise Miramax inserted into the film so they can ID which theaters the bootlegs are being made from.
  17. Ever tried Fates Warning's - "Pleasant shade of grey"? Nope, any good? How would you describe them ("Iron Maiden meets prog rock", etc.)?
  18. LOL... Ichi the Killer... now that is ultraviolent. Better have your barfbag ready!
  19. And you just had to watch that attached Animatrix episode in a theater with big screen and kickass sound system, right? This is Artisan we're talking about... when was the last time they had a production with an A-list actor? None that I can think of... this is the company that makes flicks with no-name actors like Blair Witch, I think Thomas Jane is probably the first "name" actor they have. Given how Artisan crapped all over The House of the Dead, I am not holding my breath on this one even though Jane is a decent enough actor.
  20. He rules. He's just about as cool as my favorite sushi chef.
  21. Saw it, the violence is a little overhyped, but I didn't expect it to be so much fun. They should have released the whole movie uncut - the previews felt longer than the movie itself!
  22. I was heavily into Yes, but their recent offerings haven't been all that exciting. I think they peaked artistically around the time when they made Close to the Edge. 90125 was totally commerical, and then the last spark went out when they split after making Union. It seems like the only interesting prog rock these days needs a bit of metal in there, like Dream Theater, Blind Guardian or Liquid Tension Experiment. Satch's the man when it comes to instrumental rock...
  23. The progressive scan is already built into the current PS2 Network package that's selling at $199.99. Unless the Xbox is also being dropped to $99.99, I really can't see Sony feeling threatened...
  24. What's up with the shipping they are charging? I thought SAL is supposed to be cheaper than EMS. The item is only 840 grams... that's under 2 lbs!
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