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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. You're a parent already? Your kid is adorable.
  2. I can't stop laughing at this: Videogame for the Homeless
  3. Here ya go
  4. II's music just sounded flat compared to the original's. I didn't like the character designs for IV that much. The greatest thing about 3 was Genjuro's near infite combo. Man, what a badass he was in 3.
  5. This was a novel written by series creator Tomino and if I remember correctly, it was serialized in the magazine Newtype until the story was released in audio drama format on several CDs (all currently out of print, I think there were 5 of more released). Disc 1 Disc 2 The only problem is that Tomino painted himself into a corner by naming the UC year in which this story took place. By the time F91 and V Gundam came out, the technology in these shows have become way more advanced than the Man Machines for Gaia Gear to make any sense, so Gaia Gear basically became a parallel universe story instead of part of the official UC timeline.
  6. There are currently no Resident Evil/Biohazard games worth getting on the PS2. Code Veronica X looks bad graphically for a PS2 game, and the 4th Gun Survivor (Dead Aim/Heroes Never Die) sucked so hard it swallows. Gun Survivor 3 was never released in the U.S. so it might be worth importing if you can find a used copy for cheap. I'd recommend Sakura Taisen: Atsuki Chishio Ni to anyone who hasn't played any of the Sakura Wars games. It's a remake of the original game with a lot of updates that makes it feel more like a sequel to the latest chapter on the Dreamcast than a remake of the first game. Gundam: Lost War Chronicles and Giren's Greed: Zeon Revolutionary War Chronicle are also highly recommended. The only Gundam games that got ported over to the US are crap compared to these two Japan-exclusive titles.
  7. Magician Lord was da bomb. Did you ever beat it? I've seen people who can beat it with 1 quarter but I've never been able to accomplish that feat.
  8. I suggest you take another look at the Zaku II figure and compare it to the machine gun that comes with it. The gun is way oversized for the figure, a big screwup that still went unfixed even with the version 2.0 release of the Zaku II figures.
  9. Holy cow... my NeoGeo cart system has been gathering dust. Looks like it won't after blowing $300+ this Xmas.
  10. Is Samurai Shodown Zero out already? I thought they only announced it last month.
  11. Just noticed that Charlie's Angels 2 came out on DVD this week in 2 flavors - rated and unrated. Did anyone pick up the unrated DVD? Are the extras worth it or is it basically the same movie?
  12. Is that a Man Ishitar I see?
  13. Fell in love with the F-14 Tomcat ever since I saw them in The Final Countdown as a kid. Obviously Shoji Kawamori was inspired by these beauties as well. No F-14s, no Valks
  14. What? How can you forget what she had to do in order to obtain the ID?! Best Mile High Club scene on TV. The actress that plays Dessler is half Japanese... yum.
  15. At least it's legible. Most celebrities' autographs are utterly indecipherable. For example... can you even make out what is written here?!
  16. Heads up, Warner did a screening and all 3 reviewers (who all hated Reloaded) had nothing but praise for Revolution. Matrix Revolution reactions Good to hear that the "matrix within matrix" concept was not used after all.
  17. You must have seen a totally different version of Kill Bill than the rest of us did.
  18. Why was there a piece of "shoulder armor" sticking out in front of the Eva-01's face? To prevent it from enjoying some snack during a fight?
  19. I haven't seen the anime adaptation but the manga is very good adult fare - adult not in the sense of cheap violence and sex scenes but the story being mature and interesting on the intellectual side. If I recall correctly, the main character had SAS training and has a lot of mercenary types of friends all around the world, so he gets helps no matter where he goes. The basic premise is kind of like a mix between The Equalizer and The A Team. The manga's creator also has a very good series called Monster. Unlike Master Keaton, it is not episodic but a long, epic tale of an evil child spawned from a buried secret experiment that took place during WWII. Great story. Would make one hella movie (or three).
  20. AICN posted the poster seen above and a press release. It's a first time director, but he wrote the screenplay for The Rock. Things are looking up.
  21. From Today's news report
  22. Since many of us will be getting the new PS2 Macross game, you might want to get more memory for the save files. Toys R Us currently has the Intec PS2 16MB expansion pack on sale at 50% off. For $12.49, you get 16MB (compared to Sony's $24.99 for only 8MB). The pack has another slot for you to plug a conventional memory card in, giving you access to 24MBs via a single memory card slot. Go grab one while they last! I'm picking up a 2nd one today. There are 2 versions, one that requires a boot disc and one that is plug-and-play. Make sure you get the version that doesn't come with a boot disc.
  23. Wrong! Her ass did.
  24. The amount and level of violence in this film is pretty much a well known fact before it came out, but I am pretty sure many reviews have made a point to state the obvious. It's called cartoon violence. Like you said, when the violence was so outrageous and obviously fake, a la Asian kung fu and crime flicks, laughing at and with it is only natural. It's the same reason everyone laughs when Wile E. Coyote meets a violent fate and why Itchy and Scratchy is popular. People raised in the old country probably won't get it, since they were taught to react with horror towards any kind of violence. Actually that was the whole point. I am pretty sure most of the audience jolted when Bill put that bullet into The Bride's head, or when Vivica's character tried to shoot Uma through the KABOOM cereal box, even if they knew it was coming. Having a few select shots in the main action setpiece instead would make them feel more violent or simply as sight gags. I think the sustained carnage was meant to give resonance to volume 1's final thoughts on revenge, and it also helps the audience feel how draining it must be by the time The Bride gets her showdown with Oren Ishii.
  25. Totally agree. The Sentinel designs were really scratch build models Frankensteined from a bunch of different, unrelated parts without much rhythm or reason except to "look cool".
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