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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Old news, there was a thread about this with tons of excellent pictures months ago. The Queen does not seem scaled to the colonist host though. I prefer the Kenner Queen playset that comes with the egg sack.
  2. He did OK paying the Doc's ex off. I am pretty sure this move will come back to haunt him as the truth of his attempting to pay off people to buy their silence becomes public.
  3. A bounty is offered on the game's first 2 Jedis
  4. Anyone buying the T3 DVD that comes out tomorrow should listen to Mr. Governor's commentary regarding the T-X's size-adjusting boobies.
  5. Same here, I had 2 PS1s and both were modded. The modding caused the head unit's motor to act a bit weird sometimes but for the most part it remained functional ever since I bought them. My PS2 never had any problems and it's one of the earlier generation model. The SNES however had problems since day one, sometimes a cart won't load at all, sometimes there'd be problems with the A/V out.
  6. You forgot that the Trainman had a cameo in Enter the Matrix as well. Like the Frenchman, he's seen it all before and tells your character something about the events to come.
  7. My theory is that there's an unwritten rule at Bandai regarding Gundam that dictates Japan has to have a superior version if something is released in the U.S. Besides the model kits I've listed earlier in the thread, we also see that LWC, an enhanced game using an improved Journey to Jaburo engine, never saw a U.S. release. Even figures that came out in the US first, such as the Gundam GP01, were re-designed and see a Japanese release that is completey different and features better joints and sculpting. Lesson: buy imports if they're gonna treat U.S. releases as second-class products.
  8. You've posted some good links except where to get the ROM images...
  9. There's another thread for spoilers: Matrix spoiler thread
  10. Fansub? Isn't the official release out already?
  11. I've transformed my VF-11 (original issue) several times and never had any problems with the hip joints. The only problem I had was with the parts fitting in perfect symmetry in fighter mode. Maybe it's a case of massive QA problem where most people get the bum version.
  12. Because Smith has the Oracles memories. He had seen it before because she had that vison. That's how Neo new how to beat him. Neo asked her if she knew how it would end and she said that it didn't matter, She never said she didn't see it. I'll need to see that scene again to be sure, but wasn't it Smith who picked up Neo and said something to the effect of "this is where I beat you and say..."? Doesn't sound like something that the Oracle would say.
  13. If the showdown with Agent Smith never happened before, why did he have memories of it happening before as he tries to recollect the exact detail when he beats Neo? You are assuming that the Architect told Neo the full truth, not half truth or minced words regarding his predecessors.
  14. LOL, I know exactly what you mean. I was feeling kind of disappointed with the open-ended ending that left more questions than answers that we started with, but the cool thing is it provides a great basis for discussion. The Smith that beat Neo is "Super Agent Smith" because he was a clone with the Oracle's power. You can see that even the Smith that copied himself onto the Oracle was afarid of the new copy. The last thing said by The Architect (asking Oracle how long she things this peace would last) seems to indicate that this is nothing more the latest cycle of The One returning to The Source. The machines gave Neo a perceived choice - return to The Source like a good boy, or do what you fancy and try to save Zion your way. Neo went his own way in Reloaded but by the end of Revolutions we find out that the machines rigged the chain of events (having Agent Smith able to cancel him out no matter how powerful he gets) so Neo has to return to The Source no matter what. What I don't get is that a lot of the things Smith said seem to contradict. At the beginning of Reloaded, 2 Smiths were talking about how things were just happening as before, then one of them reminded the other "well not exactly", implying that in the previous versions of The Matrix, something similar happened although not exactly the same way. By the end of Revolutions, we find out that Smith beats Neo every time, if he knew this was gonna happen, why does he bust his balls trying to go after Neo and the others when he knew that fate was preordained and that he was gonna kick Neo's ass no matter what?
  15. First impressions: - The siege of Zion was incredible. One hell of a roller coaster ride. This sequence along redeems the Zion rave/orgy scene. I was afraid this would suck but it turned out to be the best part of the movie. - In many ways, Revolutions echos the first film. Not sure if it was done because of how Reloaded was so ill-received. - All the "pretentious talks" are still there, in plenty of dosages as well. Not sure why many reviews said they were "gone". Too bad there weren't mindblowing revelations like Reloaded had. - The replacement actress for The Oracle did a great job. She really did her homework getting the character down. If she acted like she did in the game then it'd have really sucked. - I am having trouble with Agent Smith's last couple of lines - they seem to create some huge plot holes for the trilogy.
  16. I thought what Chase said to Bauer in the first episode made it pretty obvious that he became a junkie in order to get close to Salazar. He said something to the effect of "I know what those people did to you, you had to do it in order to get their trust."
  17. For the record, the above were not my words and were uttered by *cough* Max *cough*.
  18. Just goes to show how underpaid government workers are prone to corruption, huh? It's the Jack Bauer Power Hour, yo!
  19. Apparently some theaters are already showing it... a friend from out of state e-mailed me and said he liked it. I read about the ending online last week and it sounded like a cop-out. Post your thoughts here, please no "diss posts" if you have nothing substantial to add to the discussion.
  20. LOL, they used the same soundboard the pranksters used to call Bath and Body Works.
  21. The original Agent Smith figure made by N2 Toys was "normal" posed.
  22. The rights holder of the Evil Dead / Ash character are in talks with NewLine to toss him into the mix for the sequel. There's supposed to be a Mike Myers vs Pinhead movie with Carpenter and Clive Barker working together on the movie, but it fell through because the rights holders couldn't agree on the money.
  23. Since we're on the lookout for the bizarre... Tunak Tunak Tun music video (Real Media) Crazy Flash animation inspired by the song
  24. The longer the better. I'm only months younger than you and have been successfully dodging the ball n chain. Ah, the sweet taste of freedom. Protect your kid from the likes of Just Vinnie.
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