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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. The original thread is here Mods, please close this one.
  2. Kind of strange how they did not subtitle her Old English burial song in the movie itself but the subtitles came up in the Music section of the Supplements.
  3. ... and Samurai Shodown 5 pics too please!
  4. I finished watching discs 3 and 4 last night, there were way more funny anecdotes in this one then the ones from the first movie. Even though the box said the supplement materials aren't rated, they still bleeped out the naughty words. <_
  5. Whoa, thanks for the very informative post Graham!
  6. Patlabor TV series and New OVA series. Good stories and tons of fun. Thumbs way up.
  7. Well, for better or worse, the SD Gundam figures and model kits are 25% off at Toys R Us until Nov. 22nd. Time to grab them before they jack the price back up unless you absolutely despise the show.
  8. This is the first DVD I've ever heard that comes with a BLEEPED commentary track... check out the cast commentary track. Bernard Hill (Theoden King)'s sailor mouth gets bleeped so much you can't make out what he was saying half of the time. I wonder if there is an unrated (not PG13) version of the DVD, at least commentary track-wise.
  9. Those are Japan standards and are at least 2 sizes smaller than US standards. My friend was all happy when someone bought him one of those Cospa Zeon shirts... he ended up giving it to his wife as a baby tee because it's simply way too small for him, and he's not even a pound overweight for an Asian. Don't waste your $ on something you can't wear unless you're under 10.
  10. This version made the theatrical release look like a mindless action movie. There are a lot of character moments, which made it feel more like the first film. The return of Boromir is also much welcomed, and the scenes with him and Faramir do repair the damage Faramir's character suffered in the theatrical version of The Two Towers. I am beginning to think the trilogy is the most expensive trailers ever made... for the extended DVDs!
  11. Hmm. Been a long time since I read the book but I believe that the trees did go kick some orc ass at Helm's Deep in the book, Merry and Pippin did find some good weed to smoke among the flotsam and jetsam in what's left of Isengard in the book, Treebeard did whine and moan about the Entwives in the book, Merry and Pippin did drink the Ent draught in the book, etc. Where can I buy a copy of the version of the book that you read?
  12. Has anyone found some Easter eggs yet? There were a few on the extended version of FOTR, but I haven't had any luck finding hidden stuff on the extended version of The Two Towers yet.
  13. There are some Shokakugan published P2 books that have a lot of production materials that give you more than just a few glimpses of the choppter. I'd recommend the P2 Complete Design Files book published under their This Is Animation label. It is relatively easy to find on Yahoo Japan auctions and the price aren't as crazy as the Methods book.
  14. Thanks for the tips on the FOTR boxset, I was actually lamenting that I missed the chance when Costco had it for 50 bucks. It is still easily available elsewhere, but not for $50 or less.
  15. The best price I found so far is Costco, which lists it for $49.99 at their website, 10 bucks less than Best Buy. Too bad they don't have the big box for Fellowship anymore... I'd rather have those bookends than a Gollum figure.
  16. Eh? How did you leave out The Godfather (Part 2)? Evil Dead also had a good sequel or two.
  17. Except the first Matrix cost only a fraction of either of its sequels. The directors were untested for all practical purposes and I think Warner only gave them about $40M to $60M to do the first Matrix. After it blew away all expectations Warner pretty much gave them a blank check for the sequels and no adult supervision (bad move).
  18. OMG, they're already milking this one for all its worth. Whereas the previous soundtrack CDs came in 2 basic flavors - regular edition with different covers and a limited/deluxe edition, this one comes with 4 versions! #@$%! Info on all 4 versions
  19. AICN has some interesting ROTK info: review on 20 minutes of ROTK footage ROTK soundtrack review + online samples
  20. The evil Back button strikes again.
  21. There's another one that claims your credit card on file at eBay is expiring and they ask you to "update your credit card info". PayPal is pretty notorious at doing nothing regarding these scams, their attitude has basically been "our customers are sophisticated enough to tell when it's a fraud" instead of sending people warnings whenever a new scam appears. Check out this site for the lowdown: PayPalSucks.com
  22. Not likely, as the name implies, the selection will be limited to Zeonic designs. The bad guys from Sentinels are called New Decides.
  23. Stan Winston Studios were making a line of creatures action figures, and their website claimed they'd make a line of Aliens and Colonial Marines figures for series 2, but these never materialized. Probably because Fox gave the license to McFarlane...
  24. Both the game and the 3rd movie. In the game, one of the characters you play asked the Oracle why she looks different and she alluded to her being killed in order to save a program created by 2 other programs in love. That was that and no additional details were provided until the 3rd movie.
  25. Does it matter? From the look of things, it'll be Claire Danes' Kate Brewster who's gonna be wearing the human resistance pants, and I don't mind that one bit.
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