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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. 60 bucks ain't bad... breaks down to 15 bucks per movie. Is there some kind of rebate offer for owners of the old trilogy box? They did that with people who bought both versions of The Two Towers DVD.
  2. Dale get a beer from me if he manages to shoot Kim dead. Is it just me or was Line of Fire WAY too PC? A mob boss that doesn't cuss. And they're white, too! Come on, we all know the white mob are the white collar types like the Enron people.
  3. Amazon.com lists it for $69.99 (free shipping if you go with their Super Saver) and I think Best Buy sells it for $74.99. Box contains 9 discs - 2 discs per film, the 9th discs are mostly trailers and TV spots for all 4 flicks. I seriously hated Alien 3 when it came out, but I see it in a different light these days since David Fincher's proved himself as a director later and this movie becomes an interesting case study of how heavy-handed studio involvement can ruin a project with so much potential. Anyone bought the box and want to get rid of the work print version of Alien 3... PM me!
  4. I already bought the trilogy box way back and the 4th film doesn't really interest me at all. The only thing I am curious about is the "restored work print" version of Alien 3. Anyone bought the box and has seen Fincher's original version of Alien 3? How is it?
  5. I dunno about the other series, but the SS5/0 characters at the select screen looked lame and can't even hold a candle up to the designs from the earlier installments. Probably skip this cart and wait for a PS2 port instead.
  6. Why doesn't the idiot start with himself?
  7. It's a wacky TV commercial the California governor did in Japan.
  8. Looks retarded. Every time you want to issue a special command, instead of pressing some button-combination, you have to pause the action and go to a menu system. Anyone who's played Rise from the Ashes on the Dreamcast knows how stupid such a system is because it kills the pacing while taking all the fun out of playing a game that's supposed to be fast and furious. They got rid of the clumsy design with later action releases like Journey to Jaburo and Lost War Chronicles... or so we thought.
  9. www.hljsucks.com
  10. Is that the Bandai plastic injection kit? I don't remember it having the super Valk add-ons... must find mine from storage...
  11. Didn't Gundam Wing come out here on DVD first, and bilingual too? Sounds like total BS to me, considering (1) they use territorial lockout on all their DVDs, and (2) the HK bootlegs are be far cheaper than R1 DVDs for the Japanese market, and region-free too. These are openly sold on Yahoo Japan auctions, I don't see Bandai having a cow over that.
  12. Poor Halle is now a cheap imitation of Trinity: Link courtesy of AICN Check out AICN, several reviews of Return of the King from the Director's Guild screening have materialized. Anyone going to the 1 day marathon of the flick plus the extended version of the first 2 films?
  13. Weren't they the same ones translated by Fred Shodt way back in the 1980s, published by Del Rey books?
  14. Oh no. Here comes the flood of hentai tentacle jokes.
  15. Good point, I'd forgotten Bandai America eliminates the original soundtrack even though there's plenty of room on the DVD to keep it...
  16. I don't know about the others, but Zeta is supposed to come out as a complete box first, then the individual discs will come out later.
  17. Wow. That's a new low. You could blow all that money and get the "new OVA". Or you could just wait about 2 weeks and buy the new Gundam game (Encounter in Space) for PS2 when the US version comes out and get all the FMV footage AND a game.
  18. Or wait until June and pay $39.99 for the PS2 port according to this report
  19. Unless I missed it completely, I don't think they really explained how Helm's Deep changed from this minor skirmish in the book to an all-out epic siege in the movie.
  20. No sign of them. Bandai is off crying in a corner after their Power Rangers Ninja Storm toys have been blacklisted this holiday season.
  21. Thanks, I don't know how I managed to miss it. Guess I was looking for a different icon.
  22. Very well written, but I think you left one one key element that was revolutionary about Gundam. Up until then, all the giant robot anime had a lone hero robot fighting a horde of "monster" robots. Gundam was the first one to apply the concept of mass produced military vehicles to the giant robot genre, and this, more than anything, had a direct impact on Macross.
  23. Which TRU did you see it at? The local ones never even heard of Matrix series 2 figures. They probably won't get it until end of December.
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