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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. In the last scene, a bunch of human-like Cylons walk into the station where Galactica ditched the suspected Cylon. There were 9 I think. All of them were copies of the blonde and the arms dealer. Turns out the suspected guy was a Cylon after all, and the last one that walked through the door looked exactly like Boomer. I don't think Boomer is a Cylon agent. They just made a doppelganger of her, since the real one is onboard Galactica.
  2. You can be a Zeon ace such as Shin Matsunaga, Char, Gato, etc. They all have their own mission tracks.
  3. LWC has been out for about a year, it's been available long before Encounter in Space was even in development. Bandai America just doesn't want to admit that they failed to deliver on their promise of bringing over all Gundam games on the PS2. Like I said, import all the way if that's how Bandai America wants to treat paying customers...
  4. A member here who knows someone at Bandai America says he was told that it was Sony that blocked Bandai America from bringing over Lost War Chronicles because it "wasn't significantly better" than existing Gundam games. Which we all know is complete BS. Just take a look at all the lousy sequels and spinoffs of other games put out for the PS2 that was nowhere close to being "significantly better" than their predecessors...
  5. Dude, this game is strictly space combat only, don't expect to see any ground pounders or amphibious mecha in this one. Ez8 already appeared in Lost War Chronicles. Blame Bandai America for not bringing this great game over.
  6. OK... www.gamefaqs.com's poll of the day is the same as this one. While it is no surprise that Empire came out on top and Phantom got the least votes, I was very surprised to see how Jedi got nearly as many votes as Empire while Clones got more votes than Hope. My theory is that the Mario crowd over there love them Ewoks.
  7. I don't remember much of the original TV series from the 80s (other than it started to suck once they traded in the Vipers for motorcycles that fly) so I didn't have much baggage watching the new miniseries. While the music and sound sucked, it was at least more entertaining than G-Saviour (puke) with better character development than anyone from the Star Wars prequels.
  8. Reportedly so. 3D models for them were available for download in the Japanese version, but since Bandai America REMOVED the online feature for the US release, they are putting these 2 in. However, I doubt we'll get all the downloadable MSs if Bandai releases more new models for download in Japan.
  9. SNKP has just confirmed that SS0/5 will come to the PS2, among other home version releases. Full story
  10. Recasting a major character like Newt with a different actor is always a bad idea. They did better killing the character off. Can you imagine if they hired someone else (not Linda Hamilton's twin sister) to play Sarah Connor in T3?
  11. Realistically, they couldn't have brought Newt back. The girl playing her has grown into a teen and no longer looked the part.
  12. They've finally updated the Governor's homepage: Hasta la vista Davis
  13. The cables running into the cockpit is a standard feature for the Zaku Cannon.
  14. If you live in So Cal, check out Miyamoto Mushashi on channel 18 Saturday nights 9PM - 10PM. Tom Cruise-free, no Caucasians trying to play with samurai sword.
  15. How come this thread is here instead of the TV/Movies section? Isn't DYRL Macross? My vote goes to Anime 18. We demand uncensored US releases!
  16. Holy crap, anyone care to guess the MSRP on this thing?
  17. How's your director's cut Aliens LD holding up? Many of them have laser rot. Haven't checked mine since I got it years ago...
  18. Not this one. In fact most of the clips shown were from the last two movies. The "exclusive first look" clip lasted maybe 10 seconds and was a non-action scene between Arwen and Elrond.
  19. Watch Primetime tonight for behind the scenes special on Return of the King...
  20. I've never been into the KoF series, but the franchise has its fans. If they change it too much, SNK risks alienating the game's fanbase. Not a good idea considering this is probably their most popular series.
  21. The OST CD is included with the US version of SH3.
  22. Pawn off a few Yamatos, "you can do it!"
  23. The first print limited edition of volume 7 came in 2 flavors - the Xmas Rei and Xmas Asuka that come with their little diorama base which I believe can combine together (never took mine out of the box, but they are based on a single illustration Sadamoto did). Since they've only announced the Rei figure for the LE vol. 9, there probably won't be an Asuka, at least until vol. 10 or later. Did vol. 8 come with anything special?
  24. I'm pretty sure by the time it's released it'll be all over eBay and Yahoo auctions.
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