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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Looks like there's only 65 additional minutes when the extended cut of ROTK comes out: CNN interviews Peter Jackson
  2. * cues Howard Shore's score for Se7en "This guy's methodical, exacting, and worst of all, patient. "
  3. Hehehehe, now we'll hear the Toonami crowd fight over whether Wing is cooler or Seed is cooler, never mind most of the characters are voiced by the same people anyway.
  4. " They won't leave me alone! I'm a goddam human piƱata! They f*** you and f*** you and f*** you, and just when you think it's over, that's when the real f***ing begins!"
  5. Bandai reissues: play Yamatos: can't touch them after breaking one out of the box and realizing I overpaid for a glorified display model.
  6. I know you would... count me out of the group that wants to see an old bag naked.
  7. According to a news report from IMDb, Ridley Scott may be the director of the next Alien film. What a bummer, wasn't Jim Cameron supposed to be at the helm?
  8. Someone's playing a practical joke on you. You better be incognito and wait around that pay phone at the exact moment next night.
  9. There is already a ton of reviews from all over the place at AICN's site. Here's more than you care to read. The film's cast and crew were sent all over the country for the advance press screening. Check out the one where Peter Jackson's at. This "hack" definitely can teach us a lesson in humility.
  10. What, Bandai America improving on a product they brought over from Japan? Try waiting until Hell freezes over.
  11. Playback was smooth, didn't have any streaming problems here. Since when did the tentacles grow talons?
  12. I doubt it. When there was a thread about the extended cut of The Two Towers, he said he wouldn't buy it for more footage that PJ made up and are not from the books. Let's not forget his comment about PJ not using the art from LOTR for his movies too, when Alan Lee and John Howe were flew over and fed for years to work on designs and give creative input. Edit in: Plus several scenes that were directly influenced by Howe's and Lee's illustrations.
  13. Dude, being the director doesn't mean he gets the final say. Remember NewLine had an "executive producer"on the set to make sure the movies are made to be cookie cutter eough for mass appeal. He's even in the frigging control room when they did the final mixing and editing. Besides, they are not given a blank check for the production. Several things PJ would have liked to have filmed for the movie (Gandalf's battle with the Balrog from the dungeon to the mountain top, for example) didn't get shot because there simply wasn't enough money for them. Face it, the movies could have turned out much worse... like the Dungeons and Dragons movie.
  14. He felt the placement of the scene didn't go well with how the movie was paced so he trimmed it and saved it for the Extended Cut.
  15. StarCraft is a great game in 1 player mode, with an excellent story and characters to boot. However, the online part is what keeps this game interesting after all these years. I still play it quite often. Can't believe Blizzard didn't release a soundtrack for it even though the crappy music from WarCraft 3 got the CD treatment.
  16. I bought my copy when it first came out, but a lot of people out there are looking for it. I just found out that Buy.com has a wholesaler liquidating it for about 25 bucks right now.
  17. Ahem! I beleive I mentioned it. First page my friend. Oops! My bad!
  18. Sounds like he's getting all the blame from you for things other people in the production crew did. 2 other writers got writing credit for the script, it's not like he was responsible for all the changes and additions. In fact the 2 other writers took credit for most of that. PJ even hired Alan Lee and John Howe to do illustrations and other production art for the movies. They are the ones who did the illustrations for the books in case you don't know. Some of the "changes" and "additions" came directly from the appendices and references as well. I don't see where all these false accusations are coming from.
  19. Sure he was. Vostok 7 Yeap he was. That spelling even showed up on the PS1 version of the Zeta Gundam game.
  20. Why would anyone want to pay for the stream? You don't even get to keep a copy on your hard drive and can't watch it on a screen and sound system that's decent enough without skipping or heavy dithering.
  21. You can get them from Best 1 Hobby who ship domestically so it won't cost you a ridiculous amount on shipping like buying from HLJ. These are the 2 HY2M Glorious Series kits available so far. There is a red version of the Dom (Char's Rick Dom) which is a first pressing exclusive, they'll only make the regular colored version in future reissues.
  22. I can't believe no one's mentioned StarCraft yet. It's definitely an online multiplayer classic. Blizzard knows what they're doing.
  23. Ah, a blast from the past! Back in the 1980s, Origin Systems reigned supreme until they sold out to EA. This game was one of the classics they released:
  24. What about the people who made Macross M3? That was made by bandai... Where did you get that from? It's made by Shoeisha and nowhere on the package does it say Bandai (yes I paid for my copy).
  25. How did you manage to find Fatal Frame? Even used copies are rare and command like $45 if you can find it. Fatal Frame 2 just came out, grab it before it vanishes like the first one. It takes a while to build up but does get really scary towards the end.
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