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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Found this interesting link, didn't even realize the subtle FX work that was done: http://www.fxguide.com/article357.html
  2. What would happen in that case is... pleasure... lots of pleasure...
  3. You pervs take your mind outta the gutter... http://www.konami.com/gs/gameinfo.php?id=177
  4. The only reason I asked was because there's a UMD title that was released on UMD only and I didn't want to buy a PSP just to be able to watch it.
  5. There's a very good reason why the camera angle and her pose was so weird... she's barely recognizable as the hottie she once was. Proof here
  6. Is there any kind of emulator / software out there that allows UMD playback on a Windows PC?
  7. The DX GP-01Fb and GP-02A aren't exactly 1/60. They are the same SIZE as the DX Shining/God/Wing but once you realize that these AU Gundams are smaller and shorter than the 0083 Gundams, you'll know why they used the DX label and did not put 1/60 anywhere on the box for the 0083 ones. The DX Dragon Gundam was released in the early 1990s when G Gundam was first shown in Japan. A few years later when Bandai released plated versions of the Macross 7 Valks, the DX Dragon got a gold plated release as well. 1/60 Gundam model kits has been around since the very beginning. When Bandai ran out of releases during the initial Gunpla craze in 1/100 and 1/144, they scaled up the most popular ones and released 1/60 versions of - Gundam - Zaku II - Char's Zaku II - Dom - Gelgoog The kits were horrible across the line - joint design and proportions was simplistic and often worse than their 1/100 counterpart so they wouldn't have support issues. About their only redeeming quality was that the Zeon ones came with built-in LED housing for the monoeye, but LEDs were sold separately and didn't come with the kit. If you have ancient issues of Hobby Japan dating back to the early 1980s, you will find some amazing work people did with these, particularly an all-hatch-open Gundam and a pimped-out Dom filled with interior details. When Bandai ran out of designs from the show they went with the original MSV (Mobile Suit Variation) and modified the molds to release Full Armor Gundam High Moiblity Zaku II (Black Tri-Stars version) High Mobility Zaku II (Johnny Ridden custom) Gelgoog Cannon There was even a bubblecast version of the Black Tri-Stars version of High Mobility Zaku in gigantic 1/30 scale. This puppy was never reissued after its initial release in the 1980s and command quite a bit in online auctions even though it's really a crappy kit. There's also the 1/60 non-transformable version of Zeta Gundam kit released during the show's first broadcast in Japan. The F91 toydel marked a shift from pure 1/60 model kti to a DX toy. The quality was a huge improvement compared to previous 1/60 model kits and reached the line's pinnacle with the original Japanese release of the 1/60 DX Wing Gundam. It came with electronic parts that light up and make sounds, a key feature that was removed in the cheapened down HK and US editions. From there on the DX line degraded in quality both in terms of proportions and joint design, evident in the 0083 and CCA releases.
  8. The 'secret' fan club phone number was actually a mistake left visible for a split second in the show. After that episode aired, they started to get a buttload of phone calls on that cell phone so they decided to dedicate that line to the 'secret fan club' to get feedback from the show's audience. If you go to the show's website and click on the episode of 24 Insider with Audrey Raines, they talk about it in detail.
  9. They spent nearly half of the last episode to pair people off, that was just a bit too cheesey when you see Buchanan making a move on Hayes out of the blue when they had no trace of chemistry throughout the season to start with. Jack is too valuable to the Chinese... so they will make him train Chinese agents and have spin-offs shows in China, eh?
  10. Yet you bought and played every single one of them like the fanboys who praised the series. BTW, There are people who rather enjoy ambiguity that allows them to exercise their brains and formulate their own theories and reach their own conclusions, rather than have everything handed to them on a silver platter in the form of an explaination.
  11. * Dies from orgasm *
  12. Most new PS2 games are now priced at $39.99 to be in line with the system's price drop.
  13. MSG, Zeta, 0083, 0080, CCA, 8thMS Team, and F91 are avaliable. Individual releases (except for Zeta) are going to be hard to look for. 0080 and/or 0083 are available in a boxset. At this point, you should probably just shop online. DVDPlanet.com, DVDEmpire.com, Rightstuf.com, Twin Moons.com, Animenation.com, etc...When last I checked, the only things Gundam I found where Zeta and Seed in stores. Good luck. 400041[/snapback] It should be noted that the U.S. release of Mobile Suit Gundam TV series is missing 1 episode, has no original Japanese dialog track, and has a lot of the signature sound effects changed. The U.S. release of Zeta Gundam TV series also has its theme songs removed and replaced.
  14. LOL I'd already forgotten that Chloe got some this season.
  15. Miles wasn't exactly a mole that was planted there with foresight though. He's just an opportunist rat who found himself in the right place at the right time.
  16. I looked at the detailed bid history and saw no retractions: http://www.rinkya.com/twview.pl?URL=http:/...4168915&typ=log It might be possible that the seller saw a bid he believed to be phony and canceled that person's bid, but it should show up in the complete bid history if that was the case.
  17. Not to mention the sub came for technology exchange reasons as part of the peace treaty package, yet it comes carrying live missiles. WTF?
  18. Looks better than the last 2 already, and I wasn't expecting it to.
  19. Did anyone buy the Silent Hil Experience for PSP? How is it? Is it worth getting?
  20. Roger Avary, who co-wrote the Silent Hill movie script, stated in an interview that he's in talks to adapt another Konami game. Wonder if he's referring to MGS or something else. http://www.edge-online.co.uk/archives/2005...r_avary_tal.php
  21. That's the last time he'll see the female genitalia
  22. If they haven't been listening to their customers then why are they making their new system a total nostalgia machine? I got a used SNES at a swapmeet for 10 bucks, why should I spend $250 to be able to play the old SNES games? The only reason Nintendo's alive today is because of the goodwill it has been building over the years with the aging gamer population, and their massive milking of the franchises that are approaching Final Fantasy level of same-old-ness.
  23. Why does Mr Katoki want to mess with the MSV Sniper design the original design was cooler 398267[/snapback] Cos he makes more money that way while working less... coming up with a totally original design must really hurt his brain or something. Why bother when fanboys eat it up when he can just take someone else's original design and make it look like a Volvo version of the original.
  24. SF3 3rd Strike, Darkstalkers collection, SF (word warrior, turbo, hyper) on the capcom classics collection all seem to work fine on the stanrard dual shock. 398264[/snapback] Not to mention all the Soul Calibur and Tekken games.
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